Twisted Fate pt 1

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Firstly! You guys are fucking awesome! While I have been away I have seen all the likes, comments and absolutely all the love. You make my world go around! I am so thankful for you!

Second, the why I've been away. Basically, I've been in and out of the hospital. Reason? They can't figure it out! Haha which makes it so much better lol they can't figure out if I am having mini strokes or migraines so bad they paralyze my body. Either way not great.

Hang on with me, I will always be back:)

Until then, here is an update! I do have more to this story so I will make this a multi parter!


Summer had finally hit. It's warm breeze a small blessing in the otherwise sweltering heat. You had expected the temperature to at least drop when the sun did, but the approaching night did little to cool your already soaking sweaty clothes. 

You reach for a wrench in the tool box next to the hood of your old beaten up sedan. The cooled metal makes you want to sigh, but the slip of your hand and the clashing of the wrench falling into the engine makes you want to scream.

"Fuck!" You yell hoarsely smacking your hands hard enough on the bumper of the car that the hood threatens to fall with a shake.

"Fiesty!" The male voice, as sarcastic as it can get responded, followed by the crunch of chips being eaten.

"Yeah me-OW!" Another says with his mouth full.

"Fuck off." You mutter out wiping the sweat from your brow. "Aren't you both going to help me?"

Zion swivels around from the rock that he was sitting on, watching you try to figure out how to fix the car, "Help you?! HELP you ?!"

Zion turns to smack the chest of Eugene who protests in a squeak as the chip he was holding falls to the floor, "She thinks we are going to help her?"

Eugene pouts at the chip for a second more before shrugging and pulling out another chip from the bag Finally looking up, "It's like she doesn't remember."

"Please don't start." You pinch the bridge of your nose with your other hand in your hip, "I literally cannot hear this again."

Zion continues as if he didn't hear you, "I mean it's like she doesn't recollect the months leading to this moment."

"Guys- seriously I'm not in the moo-"

"As if she has been dreaming the entire time we have been on the road!" Eugene says through a full mouth. 

Zion leans back against the rock crossing his arms, "Exactly. Like she doesn't even remember infiltrating our group."

You let your head fall back to the sky with another heavy breath, "I did not infiltrate your group!" 

"Like she doesn't know that her lips destroyed us all!" The red head swiveled his head to face his dirty blonde counterpart, "It's like we don't matter." 

Eugene turns to face Zion while chewing, "Her lips are like the Titanic of lips."

"No." Zion brings up the chip to his lips solemnly, "Worse." 

"What could be worse than that!" Eugene exclaims 

"Guys stop-"

"Like the iceberg itself."

"MY GOD! I didn't do anything wrong! Lawrence seemed like a sweet guy! Excuse me for kissing him! He was not my boyfriend! He only had a little crush!" Your voice explodes out making them start but they quickly let a sneer spread across their faces. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2020 ⏰

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