Thief After his Own Heart- And Everything Else too -Pt.1

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So sorry for the wait guys, but I hope the length makes up for it! I have to split it up again because it's too long, so I'm sorry about that!


"Hey there good lookin'"

It was the one thing that repeated through his mind like a mantra as the cold steel of the sharp blade hovered over his throat. The moonlight reflecting the shine and curve of the kitchen knife as the intruder placed it against his skin to move him out of the way of the window.

A trickle of hot blood oozed from the small cut just above his Adams apple, making him shudder at the thought of what could happen if it were to be pressed harder against him.

Once Harry was sufficiently shuffled out of the way, the intruder removed the knife, the sound of it being sheathed enough to make him sigh in relief.

"Until next time handsome." The light feminine voice, that didn't match the crime in Harry's mind, whispered in his ear causing the hair on his arms to raise.

The dark figure jumped up on the shelf and hopped out of the small window that the storage room had. Not for the last time Harry tried to understand how she fit through that window, it's diameter barely seeming enough for a small animal, let alone human.

Harry stares at the window and sighs again wiping the blood from his neck. She had come at night for the last couple months, only ever on his patrol night, and only ever stealing enough that was barely questionable. She never took medicine, only food, and only something we had plenty of.

A conscientious thief. He didn't understand it, and he wasn't sure he wanted too, but he couldn't help but wonder.

Walking out to 1-C Harry scratches his neck as he approaches Ethan, Eugene and Zion playing cards. All of them were on patrol that night taking a break.

"Go fish you bitch! That bag of chips will be mine!" Eugene whoops as Zion rolls his eyes and takes a card.

"It's not over yet Bud, you best believe that I will be making you lick the crumbs off the floor!" Zion quips back.

"Gross dude." Eugene whines as Ethan snickers behind his cards balancing his chair on one leg.

Zion notices Harry for the first time placing down another card, "Hey what's up man? That was too fast to be a full round."

Ethan let's his chair fall back to all fours with a loud clunk that makes Harry rub his neck again. Harry meets the eyes of each of the boys in front of him not feeling very confident.

" happened again."

All three boys blink at him before breaking out into laughter. Ethan chuckles pushing off again to hold the chair on one leg, Eugene places another card down and Zion wipes a fake tear away.

"Good one man!" Zion says.

"I'm not making this up! Look at my neck, why would I do this?" Harry asks moving closer for them to see.

"That looks like a paper cut." Eugene says quirking a brow.

"Scary thief!" Zion jokes smacking Ethan to get him to pay attention to it being his turn.

"She literally was just hanging from the goddamn ceiling with a knife at my throat!" Harry was starting to get frustrated at having to explain this every time.

"I believe, that you believe that." Zion said, again taking another card from the pile making Ethan snicker some more.

"You have noticed the missing items! You did inventory literally this morning!"

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