Ethan's Rescue

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Plain and simple: you were an idiot.

There was no use in trying to deny it now, you had been dumb, followed your instinct, and just about used every bit of luck you had in the cards for you. You were more than likely going to die, and you had no one to blame but yourself.

You and Ethan had been on patrol, but when it quieted down, and Ethan's soft snores rang out, you just wanted to walk around. Thinking you wouldn't be long you didn't take your weapon, or wake him up, because what could go wrong?

You didn't mean to leave the safety of the classrooms, it's just that there were shadows outside, and you had been curious. All that you wanted to do was sneak outside for a quick check.

Man, you were so wrong.

You pumped your arms harder, the air in your lungs suffocating you as you tried to fit more in without your chest exploding from use, the lack of nutritious food really taking its toll as your muscles pleaded for your to stop.

But you couldn’t.

Grumbles and moans erupted behind you and with a soft curse you pushed yourself harder. Your h/c tugging at the hair tie holding it up, falling out strand by strand, as sweat dripped from your brow.

You were trying to think quickly, trying to find somewhere to hide, but nowhere seemed to be open. You had ran out of the school zone trying to lead the zombies away, but it left you in an unfamiliar area. Scanning the streets you notice a small alleyway and a crowbar on the floor. You sprint towards it, peaking a look over your shoulder seeing one of the faster zombies gaining on you.

As soon as you feel your clammy fingers touch the cool metal you swing. A crunch as it connects with the head of the zombie behind you. Quickly retracting the crowbar you swing again at the next zombie near you barely making a connection. The hit isn't hard enough to kill it, but it's enough to make it stumble.

You take off again away from the alley so you don't get caught. At and intersection you take a left hoping that if you can just make a giant loop you'll end up back at the school. A zombie stumbles out of an archway of a store next to you. Yelping you jump away tripping slightly but try to pick up the pace.

When you finally round the corner and see the school in your sights and you want to cry from relief. You we're so tired, and you wanted nothing more than the hard concrete floors of your own classroom.

However, what you see makes you stall in your tracks. Ethan jets out of the school faster than you have ever seen him move. He was a blur in the night sprinting out to the street, looking very much like a frightened animal.

“Y/N!?” Ethan called out so loud you couldn't help but flinch.


His head snaps in your direction before he yells your name again in desperation.

A hand reached out snagging the back of your jacket and you surge forward swinging blindly behind you. The hand tugged at your hood and you drop your weight and wiggle out of your jacket kicking at the zombie's feet.

You try to turn but the zombie crumples on top of you knocking you down. You can hear Ethan yell, and looking you back you can see he's trying to make it over to you but a cluster of zombies that heard his yells corner him.

You can hear his bat clink against the heads of the zombies, and you use the sound as reassurance as you smack the crow bar against the zombies jaw.

The zombie gets knocked back enough that you can buck your hips underneath it making it fall away from you as you scramble to get up.

“Ethan! Get to the roof! Get to the roof of the school!” You scream out.

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