Thief After His Own Heart- And Everything Else too pt.2

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She stood up and walked to the other side of the doored entrance. There stood a 20 person tent, a mattress in the middle with clothes and books in the corners. It smelled so much like her Harry started to blush at the calming scents.

"I put the 'bedroom',"she air quoted her word, "behind the entrance because of the shade form the sun. Also it helps that if someone comes up here it's not what they see immediately."

Harry nodded and stretched his arms above his head, "Smart thinking."

She watched him with a catlike stare and it made him squirm under the gaze, but not unpleasantly. Her eyes roamed his body and he hated to admit that he loved it.

"Anyway! Feel free to take the bed. If I end up sleeping it will be on the couch. I'm pretty tiny."

Harry stuttered at that, "No way! This is your base, I can take the couch, okus keep watch."

She scoffed at him crossing her arms playfully, "Is this a guy girl thing?"

"Not at all!" Harry said a bit too quickly.

She laughed outright, " No offense Harry, but I think if anyone was going to put up a fight, it would be me."

"Agreed." Harry said scratching the back of his head, "I just feel pretty protective of you. I know that's silly, since you can obviously take care of yourself, but I jus-"

Her finger lightly pressed against his lips and Harry's eyes found her in an instant as she looked amused at his stuttering, "You're cute you know that?"

Harry wanted to respond but she stood on her tippy toes and kisses this chaste on the lips. All working though fled from his mind, all he wanted was more.

Her smile was sweet, and the hand that had stopped him from speaking rested on her lips like she couldn't believe what had happened. Harry couldn't help it as his hands found her face, cupped it gently and moving in for another kiss. He tried to work slowly, giving her ample time to pull away but as soon as their lips connected his thoughts fled again.

He knew the kiss would linger for him in his chest, but pulled away again not testing his luck too far, "Sorry about that. If I was only going to get to do that once, I wanted it to be a proper memory."

"Proper being a funny word for tongue then?" She quipped back and laughed as his face grew beat red.

"I doubt that will be the last time." She said offhandedly and disappeared through the flap of the tent.

Harry clutched his chest as he fell face first on the mattress.


A movement made Harry jump awake, but when he looked down he saw Y/N climb into the bed with him, She curled up by his feet, back lining with his legs, and he relaxed. She always had that effect on him. As soon as she entered he felt a weight lift off his shoulders. He watched her settle down, and continued to watch as her breathes came softer and longer.

When he was sure she had fallen asleep, Harry draped the blanket over her, the heat of her next to him all he needed to feel safe an secure. He wanted more nights like this, he wanted her to feel comfortable to sleep in his arms, and to want to be near him as much as he did her, but he knew that it was only a hopeful dream.

She lived her life independently, and although she was never secret about her taking a liking to him, Harry couldn't help the small voice in the back of his head knowing that she might be using him, or at least having someone she could confide in. Something these to talk too.

Whatever it was, he was happy to be a part of any moment with her. His fingers itched to touch her hair, but he didn't want to do it without her knowing, so we resigned himself to shuffle closer to her and close his eyes to sleep again.

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