Beauty. Beast. Zombies. Just your basic Stockholms tale.

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Guys I am so sorry! We went on vacation and I didn't have my phone - so thank you for hanging in there with me!

Here is the extension to Lawrence's ending! Just a little extra so that hopefully feels a bit more complete! Kie_The_Wolf great prompts thank you so much!

And a special thank you to Cupid-5 for getting me through the writers block!


The hand tugged you forward, your feet struggling to keep up, your body feeling sluggish. The thumps of your steps echoing and bouncing off the halls and matching the beat of your racing heart. The halls all looking unfamiliar to you, but seeming a copy and paste of the halls that you have come to love as home.

The doors guarded by chairs blurs into your vision and you realize this where he is taking you.

"Lawrence! Please! Let's get out of here!" Your voice doesn't sound like your own, it's panicked and practically shouting.

Lawrence flashes you an apologetic smile before slamming the doors open. You close your eyes expecting rotting flesh, dirty nails and sharp teeth to dig into you as the doors open. You hear the clank of the doors shutting behind you and both sets of sets of footsteps continuing to echo back. Lawrence squeezes your hand and you open  your eyes realizing he's trying to get you to see the stairs you're about to run down.

"I don't understand?!" You yell out as your do your best to stay up right down the stairs.

"You'll understand soon." Lawrence says calmly but he has a smile that doesn't feel right to you.

Swallowing your gut instinct you continue to follow, gulping down lungfuls of air. Questions bombard your mind and you do your best to shut them out until you can get answers, but it's almost painful. Emotions you can't get right, heartbreak, relief, fear. All of them shooting through your veins.

Lawrence arrives at the basement...or a connection to the basement? You're not sure. You didn't know this school very well but you swore you already had been down here.

"We'll be safe here." Lawrence says, a smile still very prominent on his face.

You try to pull your hands from his but he only tightens around your fingers, his eyes finding yours, "Safe here." He repeats in a whisper, almost as he says it to himself and not you.

You take a deep breath, trying to soften your eyes to get him to calm, "Lawrence?" You choke back emotion and try again, "Where are the guys? Where is everyone?"

Lawrence's face morphs into pain then smooths out, "I'm not sorry."

You nod and squeeze his hand, "Okay. What are you not sorry about?"

He looks around and runs his free hand through his hair unable to stay still, "I'm not sorry. They worked! My experiments worked!"

Your stomach drops as fear takes over, you're not sure what is happening but Lawrence is acting strange and you're having a hard time thinking.

"Lawrence. What did you do?" Your voice is pure desperation.

His eyes find you, "I'm not sorry. I told you! I told you that they are attracted to sound! And I just wanted you to be alone with me- do you like chocolate?"

You blink away tears as his confession starts to make sense, "Yo- you put the speakers on?" Your lip wobbles and you can't make it stop.

His face softens at your tears, his free hand wipes them off your cheek gently and your brain can't comprehend why he's being so soft while telling you he… he…. You can't even think of it.

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