Sunshine Child

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The winter months were in full swing, and the school classrooms were doing little to keep out the chill of the air and frost on the ground. It didn't help that half the windows were broken. Lawrence had resisted everyone moving into C-1 room where you all had meetings,  but eventually everyone found there way there to keep warm.

Staying together however did not help with morale. Scarlett constantly complained about not having privacy,  Zion and Eugene always ended up in wrestling matches over everyones blankets, and you had never seen Hailey blush this much, you were starting to think that she might pass out at any minute.

You didn’t love the accommodations either, there wasn’t exactly time to decompress, especially at night when the nightmares came. They had started when you first arrived at the school, and at first it was just flashes of your old life that made it hard to get out of bed the next day.

Then these nightmares turned into zombies eating your flesh, or eating your friends. Being trapped with nowhere to go. Half the time you woke up in such a fright you could barely get out a whispered scream, your heart just pounded painfully in your chest, cold sweat dripping off of you.

When you all moved into C-1 you were so nervous that you'd wake everyone up, but on the first night before a zombie could sink its teeth in, you felt warmth spread through your fingertips. A gentle squeeze of your hand made your eyes flutter open before things could get too scary.

“Having a nightmare?” Harry whispered to you in the night, his silver hair glowed like a halo in the moonlight.

You nodded trying to get a grip on what was happening.

“I get them too” Harry whispered holding tighter to your hands and closing his eyes again for sleep.

That’s how the nights had been, Harry holding your hands at night when the nightmares came, and then morphed into you not being able to sleep unless his hands were interlaced through yours.

The sunshine child, the embodiment of the brightest parts of both the moon and sun was shining a bright light in your life and nightmares. Harry seemed to make everything okay, and worth seeing again. However, you couldn't help but still be annoyed at how positive he was all the time.

“Good Morning!” Harry yelled with a clap of his hands one morning.

You opened your eyes, groaning at the dawn peeking in from outside. Everyone around you grumbled and cursed.

“Sunshine child go back to sleep” you yelled with a toss of a pillow.

He caught it easily with a laugh.

There were snickers down the row of sleeping bodies, “Sunshine child, that’s good” it sounded like it came from Jay.

You peeked through the hands on your face just in time to watch Zion to shoot and arm out and smack Eugene.

“What the shit dude!” Eugene said sitting up.

“Pass that over to Jay will you?” Zion grumbled.

“Fuck you” Eugen said smacking his pillow over Zion’s face.

Jay continued to snicker as the rest of us gave a half hearted laugh, not awake enough for this.

“Guys! It’s Christmas” Harry exclaimed as if everyone was as excited as him.

A soft snore came in response from Ethan, still asleep in the corner.

“I wish I was him” Zion responded.

“Seriously who even celebrates Christmas here?” Scarlett said with a yawn, Hailey nodded in agreement.

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