Zion's Birthday

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Guys I am so sorry about the wait! I got so carried away with this prompt that legit this is basically fluff and banter torture.

Sketchy_Akechi seriously I loved this prompt so much that I got lost in it. I think I lost it a bit along the way, but I want you to know I loved it! I hope I could make it come true for you, in even a small semblance of what you hoped!


With a yawn you stretch your limbs, feeling the pop of each of your joints falling into place. You pat down your hair, knowing that it's sticking in every direction and decide to give up embracing the craziness of it all.

You make your way to the door for the morning meeting but are greeted by a big goofy smile from your favorite redhead.

“Why hello there little lady, how did you sleep?”

You scoff looking up at him, “Do you have to point out my size every time I see you?”

Zion pretends to think for a moment, “ Hmm yes. I think so.”

He bends down quickly kissing your cheek making you blush slightly.

“It's fun size to you!” You say with a smile be xx making your way to 1-C.

With Zion on your heels, you both enter and take your normal place in the back of the room. Lawrence in the front, the blonde and her minions to his right, Harry, Sue and Ethan to his left.

Eugene snatches a couple buns from the table and makes his way over to you both in the back, giving Zion a fist bump.

“Sup losers!” Eugene tosses the extra buns he grabs in both of your directions.

You fumble with yours until it falls to the floor. The boys around you chuckle and you let your head fall back in defeat.

“That's it. It's over. Now I'll starve!” You say it dramatically falling against Zion's lap.

Zion smiles down at you sweeping your hair from your face, “Death is upon you, I see it.”

“Eugene! Please, be a dear and save my life!” You say as you reach for him.

Eugene rolls his eyes, “Why would I do that if you're closest to the floor?”


You bend to pick up the bun as the meeting starts. Lawrence begins to talk about the patrols for the day, repairs that need to be made and the pairings of partners.

“We do need to go into the storage and fix some of those racks before the food topples it over.”

“Why don't Ethan and I do that. While in there I can take inventory” Sue says standing up.

Ethan nods and Lawrence smiles, “Perfect thank you both! Awesome, next is partol on the roof-”

“Zion and I can do that!” Scarlett practically yells and you can feel Zion sigh heavily underneath you.

“My god, you think a girl would take a hint.” You mutter under your breath making Eugene and Zion chuckle as you sit up.

The blonde's laser eyes snap in your direction as your eyes lazily meet hers, your face deadpan and her tomato red practically glares at the lack of reaction you give her.

“What did you say pip-squeak?”

“Oh nothing, I was just trying to imagine you with a personality and I was drawing a blank.”

Scarlett stands and takes a step in your direction, “Big surprise there!”

“Says the blonde” you mutter under your breath again and Scarlett shrieks.

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