Ethan's Coffee pre apolcolyspe AU

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It was a new year in school, and it was the year you decided that you were going to stop being invisible. You had actively worked to become a fly on the wall, always aware but never taking part. And truth be told you were sick of it.

You knew you only did it because people were work. Like, a lot of work. But you wanted a change. You wanted to stop feeling sorry for yourself for not being invited places, and wanted actual friends that weren't just your mom and people online - although you loved them a lot too.

It was just time for a change.

You sighed as you looked at your schedule. Who in their right mind placed Spanish as their first period? No one wanted to start learning a second language at 7:30 in the morning- but there was no changing it now. You sighed again before trudging to class, trying not to be late on the first day.

You stepped into the classroom relishing in the warmth during a rainy day shaking your hair out. Droplets splashed around you and to your dismay on the girls next to you. Two of them gave a disgusted sound trying to back away while the other screamed.

“ Oh shit I'm so sorry,” you say as you wipe down their arms trying to get the water off.

“Did I say you could touch me!?”

You looked up and finally recognizing the girl to be the head cheerleader, president of ASB and all around number one bitch of school. You sighed for the third time today not loving how this day was starting.

“Hello Scarlett.” You didn't mean to sound as defeated as you felt, but well here you were.

Scarlett looked you up and down, “Could you not?!”

Confused you raise an eyebrow, “Could I not what?”

Scarlett shook her hands at you lost for words and looking very much like a bomb about to go off with how red she was getting, “Exist!” Her shout made the rest of the class turn towards the commotion.

You wanted to shrink down, hunker against the attention, but you had promised yourself that this was the year the world finally saw the real y/n. This was finally going to be the year that you stood your ground and said everything you felt instead of hiding behind the silence.

You shook your hair again earning another squeal from her as the water landed on her, “ Oh I'm sorry Scarlett, your face was getting all red and blotchy I figured you might need to cool down.”

The class laughed as you walked to the only open seat leaving the sputtering tomato behind. You breathed in trying to settle your nerves but otherwise feeling really good about speaking up. You set your books down turning towards the front of class until you felt eyes on you.

Peeking over you saw your long time crush staring at you with a very stern look. You try to pretend that you don't see him while also sneaking glances over to his soft blue black hair and blue green eyes. You always wondered why when light hit him just right that his features changed colors, almost like he got more beautiful as the sun hit him or like -

A clearing of a throat made you jump, stopping your thoughts in their tracks. You realized you had been staring very intently at him without blinking. God not being invisible meant no longer people watching, it was an adjustment you'd have to make.

Another cleared throat.

“Got something stuck Ethan?”

No you did NOT just say that. You did not just let your brain answer in that snarky way. There is no way that you just said that to your crush that had no idea you even existed. You could drop dead right now.

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