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Because apparently I can no longer write just ONE shots and they have to be Three instead

jinxedt apprently we are in for the long haul!


When the apocalypse first hit, we all thought it was a joke. Just some junkies on television and some end of the world crazies spouting off some crazy tale. Very quickly that thought turned into terror. 

Mass hysteria took over. Cities fell, people killed the healthy, and the sick. Life was nowhere near the same. We were all orphans in this new world. The old were rare, the young betrayed and left behind and anyone remotely ill got the final end of a lead bullet. 

In this brave New world, the dead were the least of your problems. Starvation, thirst and bandits were usually the top three. THEN the dead. 

In that order.

You crouched low against a dumpster, bow in your hand. Your fingers shook, and muscles strained as you pulled back the string. Exhaustion, lack of food and water kept you fighting, but it also meant you sometimes fought the wrong people.

You had your eye on this bird for a while. Been tracking it, although you were learning tracking wasn't your strong suit, but with three mouths to feed you've had to learn fast. 

You had picked up a kid named Jay, and his awful counterpart Scarlett outside of school. Scarlett had said that she only followed you because you looked like you knew what you were doing, but somehow it didn't keep her from being a bit of a bitch about it. 

"Shoot it already!" An angry whisper reached your ears. 

Speaking of the devil, you looked back over your shoulder with the closest thing to a death glare you could muster.

"I don't know about you Scarlett, but I didn't just use a bow and arrow on the regular before the god damn apocalypse started! I'm still learning! I have to focus!" You angrily whisper back at her, returning your eyes to the target. 

"I'm hungry!" She whined out shifting her crotch to sit on the floor.

The sound of her footsteps scraping the asphalt made the bird, a seagull by the look of it, shift its wings, it's feathers ruffling and eyes boring down the alley.  

Jay smacked Scarlett's shoulder lightly and placed a finger over his mouth to signal her quietness. You want to laugh as she turns red and resembles a tea pot about to burst, but you turn towards the prey.

Taking a deep breath you pull back the bow again, the string taut in your hands. Your fingers turn white from pressure, lifting your shoulder and elbow to align, you take aim. 

Taking another deep breath you are about to release the arrow when a voice rings out down the street, "Zion there is no way."

"Yes way! She said They set up traps and everything! And when they caught the rats, they ate them!" The voice you assumed was Zion responded.

"That's fucking gross dude." The first male voice makes a gagging sound before rounding the corner.

There were two men, a redhead and dirty blonde. Both tall, and lean, backpacks and bags on their sides from travel. They looked rather clean to be on the road, which meant they probably had a camp nearby. Cheeks still a bit rounded, just cut, suggesting they at least had food. 

All things you learned were important to take note off after the end of the world. Skinner the man, the craziest his decisions.

Taking notice they didn't have anything other than pipes for weapons, you took it upon yourself to still kill the bird anyway. No way you were going to lose a day worth of "tracking" and go without reward. You could apologize about the arrow later.

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