It's Not Like the Movies

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Just a super fast dribble! So sorry guys, I have been super focused on my art and finishing my MA degree. I have 3 classes to finish in the next month.

I will be back though. I will never leave these prompts, I have too much fun.

I love you all! I read every single comment, even if I don't have enough time to respond. All your continued love and support helps me tremendously ♥️🖤🖤♥️


It's not like the movies. 

Taking a life isn't quick, or clean. It's slow. Extended out as they gape, and gasp from the pain. From the darkness that is slowly edging around their eyes. 

Hot blood spilled over your trembling fingertips as you pulled heavily back on knife. The rubbing of his flesh scraping against the steel was enough to make you gag.

Your eyes, wide as they can go, as you watch his shocked expression stiffen up, his pupils contracting as he tried to focus. Hushed breath escapes his chapped lips.

"You thought it was me?"

His last words sucker punch you in the gut, guilt and a tsunami of emotions swirl around your skull, your skin crawling from the broken crack in his voice. 

Lawrence crumbles to the floor, the thud echoing in the room as the people that were originally fighting shuffle to a stop to watch. Your hands are still outstretched, hot blood still dripping from your fingers, as you feel his body crumple and smack your legs. It makes your knees go out.

"Y/N?" The voice is gentle, concerned and empathetic. 

You turn towards them, your chest heaving as you start to hyperventilate, tears spilling down your face from what you have done.

"Y/N?" Eugene calls your name again, his arms resting on your shoulders as you suck in air, panic rising.

 "You're okay. It's okay. Don't panic." His voice is authorative but calm and you want to follow his orders, but it's hard. Your brain not thinking clearly.

"Lawrence?!" A blood curdling scream rings out as Sue's hand falls away from the speaker button in the schools radio room, collapsing to her knees beside him. Her glasses clicking against the buttons of his shirt as her head comes to rest on his chest above the wound.

Her back bends in strange way as Sue wails out her pain and loss. The one person she was willing to kill many for, lost like the rest.

Your body is pulled back, away from the scene. Out the door of the administrative box, away from the smell of iron and copper. The scent clings to your skin, your clothes, even as you feel the fresh air of the hallway enter your lungs.

People are standing around the body. Your people. Your friends who had all known Lawrence, the people who had all been guided by him. Their leader. And you just killed him.

"Y/N?" The voice calls out to you.

Spinning your head to the sound, blinking back the blurred vision, Eugene's expression the most scared you had seen him. One hand on your shoulder gently, the other reaching out for the knife you didn't realize you were still holding.

You let him take it, hands shaking hard, you try to not cut him. You wouldn't know which was his blood or Lawrence's anyway.

"I did something bad." You whisper, your voice seeming very small for the very big thing you had just done. Hallow almost.

Eugene nods, but gives you a small strained smile. We're those tears you saw?

"I know sweetheart, but it's going to be okay now." He pulls you closer to him.

"I- I didn't," you choke a sob, your vision blurring again, "I didn't mean to hurt him!"

Eugene pulls you in for a tight hug, his head resting on yours rubbing your back, "I know. Shh it's okay, I know." His body shifts slightly followed by a clanging of the knife being thrown aside. The sound echos around you making your stomach clench.

You collapse in his arms, letting his strength hold you as you both sink to the floor. Your sobs matching Sue's for a very different reason, but both had lost something in that room. Both of you wouldn't be the same after this.

"What are we going to do now?" You hear Hailey ask behind you.

"We can't let her go, she just tried to kill us." Harry adds.

"Wait are we talking about Sue or Y/N?" Ethan asks.

"Sue!" Harry answers back sounding offended.

"Just give her over to Y/N, she clearly can kill." 

"ZION!" Harry warns.

"What? We are all thinking it!" Zion says and you don't see him shrug but you know he does in his usual fashion.

The silence following is enough answer to his thoughts.

You know he says it as a joke, but Zion's words cut deep making you whimper against Eugene further. Eugene pat's your hair and continues to coo soft reassurances at you.

"Look, I know this sucks, but she saved us." Jay says stepping forward. At least you assume with his voice closer, your eyes still clamped shut.

"Sue would have hit the speaker and killed us all!" Scarlett speaks up next, passion in her voice.

"You both don't get a vote in this, you aren't apart of this group." Ethan says curtly.

"Oh why? Because your psychopath of a leader kicked us out before he died?" Scarlett retorts back and your cringe at her words.

You moved away from Eugene to watch the group, tears still spilling as you watched them in an angry circle. Fighting, yelling and even shoving each other for your actions. For you choices. How could you live with yourself now? Now that you had killed someone. 

You were no better than the flesh eating zombies out there. 

This was nothing like the movies at all. 


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