Eugene's Videos (Alternative story for Eugene) Pt.1

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Guys I'm so sorry, school is kicking my butt? But here is apparently the longest prompt of my life to make up for it!!

Wattpad it making me split it up.

What exactly are you supposed to reflect on when it's the end of the world?

Maybe it should be the end of your friends and family? Or maybe it should be the loss of a government and direction? Or even basic survival like food and water?

That wasn't what was on your mind. Oh no. You couldn't stop thinking about the last YouTube video you watched.

Years before flesh eating creatures walked the sidewalks of your hometown, you spent your time in your room, head stuck in a book studying for the next big test and the next big assignment. And when you weren't doing that, you were watching your favorite vlogger.

His videos started out as just day to day activities, but as he grew more confident be began to sing on camera, and never before had your heart fluttered so hard and fast. You would never met him, but man you had a fat crush on his voice. And his face.

And well, all of him.

Being someone around your age, you just felt you could connect with him, even through the camera. More than that, his voice got you threw your anxiety of tests, and calmed your worst nights.

So naturally, that was what you had been thinking of these last couple days. Humming the song he wrote himself, you timidly walked down the cracked, trashed streets looking for food. Something exploded two streets down making you jump and turn around and you hummed the song louder.

Still no zombies. You hadn't had to confront one yet, but you felt your luck was running out.

Food was your biggest priority at the moment, seeing as you hadn't eaten more than a couple soups in the last couple days. Nor had you seen another living breathing human.  Dead walking didn't count, even if they did growl and pant like they ran 10 miles.

Your sneakers crunch on glass of the store, the splintering sound echoing through it's turned over aisles.  When no one rushed forward to eat you, you take it as a good sign. Rushing forward you scan the broken shelves for food.

You hum yourself into a calm, the ebb and flow of the song making your heart flutter like the first time. Only this song could do it, and it helped you feel alive.

Stuffing some sweet buns, soups and crackers into your bag you move to the next aisle. As if a light shined down on you, your favorite bag of chips sits untouched in the middle of the shelf. You surge forward to grab it, but your hand collides with another, your eyes snapping to the angry light brown orbs that are currently glaring at you.

He wore and oversized gray hoodie and a big black mask over his face. Although you knew it was probably to protect him from the zombies, you couldn't help but feel unnerved by his presence. Distorted voice from the mask, and glaring eyes made your instincts scream not friendly.

“Sorry toots. I saw them first.” The voice whined.

You shake your head in confusion. The first person you see in days, and he calls you toots?

“Finders keepers bud. I obviously saw them first.”

The boy rolls his eyes snatching the chips from you, “Chivalry is dead. It died when the world did.”

“Well in that case,” you snatch the bag back, “Free for all. Thank you!” You turn around, not really sure you trusted this person. You hum again to calm your nerves and make your way to the next overturned asile.

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