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You can't seem to sleep. You toss and turn but you can't get the images out of your head. With everything that had been happening, all the death, sacrifice and ending, you had not expected Eugene at your door.

You hadn't expected to see his normally guarded eyes softened and pleading. Hadn't expected him to ask you to run away with him, and more importantly, hadn't expected how much you wanted to say yes to him.

You had told him you felt better here, that you felt safe in the classrooms, and more importantly with people. You knew that going out there again meant the potential of being alone again, and that was the last thing you wanted. You knew that he understood, Eugene was kind like that underneath all the sarcasm, but you hadn't expected the light that was so furiously burning under his light brown eyes to snuff out before you.

You had done that to him you realize. You had made that magical light and strength behind his gaze flicker and go out. Watching his guarded expression slam down again to hide the pain he was feeling was enough to make your throat tight and chest heavy.

And knowing that it was your fault made you restless.

Realizing you weren't going to get any sleep you sat up dramatically throwing the blankets off of you with a frustrated yell.

Having emotions was so irritating! You wanted to be strong like Zion or Ethan, logical like Lawrence or Harry, but here you are feeling overwhelmed and teary eyed at the thought of hurting someone who usually just makes fun of you.

Why should you care? He was normally taking jabs at you anyway? Why feel conflicted? Why is it that when his hardened expression turned soft your heart rate increased? And why is it when you look over to him and his smiles at you that your hands turn clammy?

Dizzy with these thoughts you decide that a walk in the cold halls will settle your nerves.

Standing you walk barefoot across the cold tile floor, sending goose bumps up your legs and down your arms. You hug your arms around you as you walk down the halls, pacing slightly and trying to will sleep to come to you.

You stop suddenly hearing a soft melody. At first you think it's in your head, longing for music, but then you realize its louder the farther down the hall you go. Tip toeing forward you make your way to the music room where you and Eugene had patrolled earlier that day.

The dust rises and shines in the moonlight that falls into the dark classroom through the broken window. You shiver at the chill in the air trying to not cough at the dust. You turn to round the corner into the room when you realize someone is inside making you jump back and hide by the doorframe

Eugene sits staring at the piano keys, fingers gracefully pressing down on each note creating haphazard chords as if testing each sound for his liking. He wipes dust off some of the keys, and plays another chord softly.

Suddenly he sits up with his back as straight as a board, nervous that he had caught you, you slink back farther so that only a sliver of him is visible to you.

He clears his throat and starts to sing, his voice partially gravely from disuse, but somehow it make the song strike harder against your heart strings. His voice vibrates in your head, the melody soft, sad and full of so much emotion brimming tears started to fall one at a time.

Recognizing the song as a slower version of the one he had sung earlier during patrol, you close your eyes to his soft sounds. His range surprises you as his voice dips and rises like the waves of an ocean, calling you out to him like a siren's song. Your heart matches the beat of the song, a slow drum that's calls to your soul.

The song a story of lovers coming together and falling apart, makes you want to hold him, cherish him. Your every being wants to be near him, the music like a spell cast on you. Moving like a puppet on a wire you move forward walking slowly into the room.

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