Harry and the Freezer

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(WARNING: There is cursing and one paragraph that is pretty vivid. Just move around the double stars if you don't want to read it **)

“Alright everyone, we are going to be doing something a little different today” Lawrence called proudly at the morning meeting.

All of you were gathered in 1-C looking a little worse for ware. No one had been sleeping well since the fire, so sleepy eyes, big yawns and leaded scraping feet met the leaders enthusiasm.

You rubbed the sleep from your eyes as you swayed on your feet, someone nudging you. You look up to see Ethan's small smile, “You're giving me a run for my money with that standing and sleeping skill”

You chuckle slightly shaking your head dramatically to wake up.

“Okay, so we know that the place still has zombies all over, and I want to be able to feel comfortable here, don't you all?”

“For fucks sake Lawrence, get on with it” Zion grunted without looking up from his makeshift bed of desks, eyes to the ceiling.

Lawrence paused as if swallowing his irritation before continuing, “We will be clearing out the first floor by the cafeteria”

Zion sat up suddenly, as several others sat straighter at attention.

“You're kidding” Jay said shocked.

“W-w-why?” Hailey whispered gripping her hands together.

“Might be fun” Zion said swatting Eugene, “What do you say?”

Eugene rolled his eyes laying back down on the ground, “Whatever”

You and Scarlett lock eyes, although hatred between the gazes, an understanding to not talk about her move to get you killed down in the cafeteria was evident.

She opens her mouth to speak, but you cut her off. Not sure if it's being tired or hungry but something makes you bold.

“Scarlett let's be patrol partners. I'm sure you and I could clean house down there”

The blonde’s face pales recognizing the threat, but the rest of the room stood in silence. Eugene sits up looking at you angry where the rest of the group looks confused.

“What the fuck?” Zion says finally breaking the tension, “When did you two become buddies?”

Scarlett moved to speak again, “We are no-”

“Last night. Remember Scar?” You smirked evilly but inside you were panicking and begging your mouth to shut up. You had now threatened her twice and it was not going to work in your favor.

Eugene dramatically smells the air, “Something smells fishy”

Harry stood and stretched, “Leave them be. Maybe they are mending”

You shoot a relieved smile back at Harry for diffusing the tension and hopefully helping you shut your mouth.  You look over to Scarlett who is almost purple now from anger, and part of you wants to laugh, the other half wants to cry.

“Anyway, let's group up in fours so that no one gets cornered alright? And we will go in waves so no one is left behind” Lawrence clapped as if that was the end as you all stood up. He continued to explain his plan as you all walked to get weapons.

The plan was simple, four of us at a time would walk in, then the next four and so on, so the waves left us less tired, and there was always back up. The hardest part of the plan was being quiet enough near the door of chairs.

“Harry, Eugene, Zion and Y/N. You will be first. Then Ethan, Judy, myself and Jay” Lawrence said loudly enough for us all to hear.

“ Scarlett, Sue and Hailey will remain here for additional backup and help getting supplies back”

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