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Guys. These characters literally ran away from me. Like RAN. I had this whole chapter planned out and these little B's said Hell nah and made this chapter.... So hope you like it anyway!

*****WARNING: Strong language in this chapter. I mean I know every chapter of mine has a curse, but like just look at the first word and you'll understand. Just don't read if it's not your thang chicken Wang (I had too much coffee I deeply apologize)


You always found the word to be beautiful. Truthfully, how did this one syllable word mean so many things?

 It was the pain your mother had when she dropped a box on her foot. It was the excitement your best friend had when she saw her boyfriend for the first time. It was the word of pleasure your boyfriend-- or rather ex boyfriend, had when you caught him fucking your  best fucking friend just before you got in the car to drive away this afternoon.

See there it was again, fuck. 

Smoke filled your nose as your vision blurred. Lights and sounds rumbling and searing you. You touch your temple and feel the warmth of your blood trickle down your fingers. A dark figure swims in your vision, angry grumbles ringing as their words slowly form and make sense.

You were pretty sure the figure was yelling the beautiful word at you.

"How in the hell are you going to fix this?!" 

"I- um-" you start to say as you lean to your left, glass tumbling down your jacket and jeans as your stumble out of the car. Feet catching underneath you barely as you stagger back to view the damage. "Are you alright?"

The figure whips her blonde hair so fast you're nervous for her spine, "Do I look like I am fucking alright?!" 

Your eyes slowly gaze down her tight fitted jeans, red crop top and curled hair. She was beautiful. But of course she was. How else would the most popular girl in school get to the top if it weren't for looks? 

Money. Although she had that too.

Giving her another once over you notice she didn't even have a single scratch on her. 

"Were you even in the car?" You ask as the words feel slick in your mouth. A concussion for sure.

"Does it matter!? Look at what you did!" 

Your eyes follow her dramatic pointing fingers to the crashed vehicles. Your crappy purple sedan's front crushed together to make a very convincing sandwich with her very silver looking Audi, which also resembled a poorly made sandwich.

Your face scrunches as you assess the damage, "Fuck." You sigh it out. 

"Yeah you got that right! How am I going to get to school?! Or practice?!" Her anger is clear as she shrieks, face flush. 

"You care about that?" You mumble out holding your head as it pounds again.

Her angry eyes find you but you see a hint of sadness there too. You just hit an insecurity you're sure of it.

"Of course I care! I'm getting a cheerleading scholarship! You don't get those by eating Cheetos!" Her hands find her hips almost to emphasize her point. 

Your eyes scan her body again and you know she has a point. Deciding to let the seemingly personal insult go, you sit on the ground. The thump jars your teeth together and you wince again at the pain.

"Are you okay?" Her voice is soft and in front of your face.

You flinch at her closeness, when had you closed your eyes?

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