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"Yujin look! Your mother's small stall is being raid by those police officers!" Chaewon pointed out to the small stall that was being surrounded by the polices with guns on them, taking all the things her mother was selling. Yujin rushed to the stall pushing the polices that was on her way with the others following, apparently Minju's been resting because of her state. Yujin's mother was having a small and simple business that was not illegal but those polices that keeps bothering her mother was getting on her nerves. Yujin was a simple girl, wanting her father to heal from his illness wanting to help her parents.

With Yuri holding out a small bluebell on her hand, putting it on one of the police's pocket that was on his polo, hands patting the police's shoulder, Yena pulled Yuri away glaring at the officer that has the small bluebell hanging on his pocket. "What the hell do you want again!?" Yujin shouted in front of the police who was throwing the things Yujin's mother was selling. Yujin was getting pissed off with those police from the other town, they totally have no rights doing dirty on her mother, they have their own town to piss off. "She's selling beside the side walk." The police reasoned out with his whole chess out.

"You all have a town to piss off." Yujin stated pushing the police away, the police tries to calm himself trying not to point out the pistol to Yujin, but he did. Yujin didn't move and stared at the police leaning her head to the hole of the pistol.

"Do it coward."

Yujin's mother pulled Yujin by her arms, urging her daughter to stop making a scene, but Yujin can't help it.

The other polices then walked away from the scene, having enough with Yujin.

No one can mess with her family like that.

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