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Minju continued reading her favorite book, eyes followinv every words that are written, she bought it for she wants to forget that bad dream she had, she clutched at the book and sighed. There is no way she'll get her feelings out, even for the fact she feels nothing to for Chaewon compared to what she feels to Hyewon, even if she wasn't real, even if she was a dream, but she was vivid in her dreams, as long as she remembers, Hyewon was pretty, she couldn't forget how she feels secured with Hyewon, she couldn't erase Hyewon every minute, she felt complicated. Minju stood up from her seat at the cafeteria, heading towards the restroom, where she first saw a goddess, Kang Hyewon. Who was busy thinking about herself.

"I need to wake up." Minju mumbled and chuckled lightly. Minju arrived the women's restroom, she turned right where the stalls are located. Minju heard a sound coming from the restroom, she took a peek and saw Hyewon, hands on the mirror, glaring at her own reflection, Minju wanted to approach Hyewon differently than what she did before, Minju entered inside, surprising the latter.

"Hey." Minju smiled at Hyewon. Hyewon contemplated if she's gonna wave back or ignore. Hyewon decided to ignore Minju. "Why are you alone?" Minju asked walking besides Hyewon, with a smile. Hyewon looked at the taller girl, bewildered. "Well, I'm always alone." Hyewon answered, staring at her own reflection, Minju gazed at their reflection and smiled. "Where's your friends?" Minju asked. Hyewon glanced at Minju. "Look. I don't have, yes I mean I have. But she's younger than me, and she's the only one friend of mine." Hyewon answered.

"What's her name?" Minju asked, Hyewon tried not to get piss off. "Sato Minami." Minju haven't heard of the name. "Well, I want to be your friend 2." Hyewon shook her head. "No need to."

"But I insist!" Minju stated. "You don't have to force yourself." Hyewon looked at Minju. "Besides I'm very boring." Minju shook her head and smiled. "No! I mean I was forcing you, and I actually like people who is simple." Minju stated, looking down with a smile. Minju took a small bottle on her pocket, the blue liquid, she had found it on her bag, she was quiet shock seeing it. "See this? This is a sign of friendship, once you take it, you're gonna be my friend!" Minju smiled. "What if I refused to take it?" Hyewon asked.

"You will not." Minju stated and smiled, eyes gazing Hyewon's soft plump lips. "Bu-" Minju leaned for a kiss, a soft one, lips grazing each other's. Minju pulled out with a smile, taking Hyewon's hand and putting the bottle on Hyewon's hand.

"We're more than friends!"

"But I don't even know you!"

"Kim Minju,"

Minju smiled.

"I like you."

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