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"Now what are we going to do here?" Yujin asked, leaning at the wall of their hideout, it was dark, and they have no where to go to, they were lost in their own world, and the walls of their hideout was old, the colors was slowly fading and the neon lights that shines bright back then was no where to be seen, there was only darkness that wraps the unusual atmosphere, times passed by so fast without them noticing it. "I don't know, guess we'll have to stay here?" Chaewon answered, looking down at her bag that was laying down miserably.

"What's going to happen?" Wonyoung asked, staring at awfully nothing, her mind blank for so long. Nako sighed, looking up at the tattered ceiling, eyes squinting at absolutely nothing at all, maybe just a small spider and that's it. "Guess we'll die here." Nako tuts and chuckled miserably.

"Shut up Nako, we just have to like escape and everything will be alright." Sakura stated, cheering everyone even though she's about to lose hope. "Yeah, maybe." Nako murmured and looked down. "We'll try to regain our hopes up." Chaeyeon stated and played with her fingers, a frown on her lips.

"We sound like dying already." MInju breathes out, gaining others' attention, especially Hyewon's. Hyewon sighed and rolled her eyes, as she was about to lose her energy from all the time they spent here. "Shut up MInju--- you're not going to die now." Hyewon stated, a stone expression on her face as she stare at Minju's face, hiding all the worries behind her.

Everything went silent again, without knowing what to do, they stayed quiet and think what they are going to do next to live.

After sometime of being silent they heard some footsteps and rustling outside, bushes and plants that are being swept away. All of them become cautious about what's going to happen next as they watch the door and wait patiently.

They weren't able to move because of the suspense and it gets more scary as they sat and wait. "What's that?" Yuri mouthed as she scans the door. Standing up, Yujin walked silently and took a peek, but because of the darkness she couldn't see anything, apparently the sounds from before was no gone and they were just waiting for it to come back.

Yujin looked at everyone and hushed them don with her index finger in her lips. Mouthing, "Be quiet." As she gestured them to move back and wait. Yujin then saw a plastic tube and reached for it quietly, raising it as if she was about to attack someone.

"Woah, hey slow down!" They heard a girlish voice from outside that made Yujin lower the plastic tube down. "Be careful there!" They listened more. "So we'll stay here?" "What?! Here!? NO! This place is scary," "We'll just stay here for a minute so you could call Mitz and tell him we ain't coming back and stay at your house." "So we'll lie?" "Of course! You're the one who suggested to find them." "We're not panicking," "Only if Miu didn't suggest this stupid plan." \

"Only if you didn't insist to come," "Moe, you could have just stayed at the house and then we could have not hear grumbles from you." The voice were getting louder and they had suspected the two girls are getting nearer. "I was just worried!" "We know, but please cooperate." "Fine."

"Are you okay there?"


A girl asked but there was no response. "I see, if we get inside you could rest a bit."

"Do you have a number of your friend there?" Another voice asked.


"Really? Can you please text her and ask where the hell are they?"


"It's not rude you're just worried."

There was silence and then Chaewon's phone starts to ring loud. "Chaewon?" Yena asked and glanced at Chaewon who was reaching for her phone in her bag.

"Do you hear that guys?" "Yeah."


"There ! It's inside!"

Then the footsteps were louder and then a knock was heard from the door of their hideout.

"Hitomi?" Chaewon mumbled and scanned the text.

"Where are you?"

"I'm so worried,"

"I had to ask my cousins to help me find you."

Chaewon replied, asking if here Hitomi is at.

"At a old house, we heard a ringing there so e're going inside."

And then the door of their hideout opened.

It was Miu, Moe and Hitomi.

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