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"I told you stop playing with the bluebells! Hitomi's brother will notice it and tell their mother!" Chaewon hissed at Yujin who was busy pouring down the 'bluebell potion' thingy at a small glass bottle, it was still unknown why did Yujin named the blue water. Yena rolled her eyes and continued watching what Yujin was doing. "Maybe it'll help Minju and her father." Sakura laughed at the childish statement from Yena, like she found it very stupid. "Like how? You'll make them drink it. That's insane!"

"It wasn't even that clean." Yuri stared at the bottle while raising her brows.

Chaeyeon then laughed so hard because of the thought she had.

"Like Yujin."

Yujin glared at Chaeyeon, clearly affected at what Chaeyeon said. At least she wash even once, but unfortunately they think she stinks. All of them started laughing hard making loud noises just with their voice, why not? They are the only people in the small town in this hour.

Yuri forgot that her father will come home from the church near Nako's house, and for sure if her father will see her with Yena, her father will get angry. Sad that Nako and Minju couldn't come with them since Minju is sick and they don't know what is the reason and Nako having her piano sessions with Ms. Kwon.

"I surely think Nako's having a hard time with the piano thingy." Yujin snickered thinking how will Nako get angry with the keys, it was totally her parents' fault for making her suffer from those music, but the only thing they wonder is why did Nako becomes so excited at her piano sessions lately. "But it looks like she's enjoying it." Yuri answered smiling softly. Yuri should have teach Nako instead but sad that her father is really strict. "If you just taught her instead." Yena pouted, but Yuri shook her head. "Nah."

They didn't notice Yuri's father walking towards them with a book in his hand along with those people in the church, he looks angry seeing Yuri close to Yena, and it angers him more seeing Yena in front of their house everyday waiting for Yuri. Her father is some sort of homophobic.

And Yena hates him.

"Jo Yuri!" All of them glanced at where the voice came and saw Yuri's father. Yuri stood up with a scared look on her face, shivering. Her father walk up to her and slapped her making Yena shocked and angry at the same, and all of them felt the same. It wasn't Yena and Yuri's fault of having a mutual feelings for each other, and her father should respect it.

"Hey!" Yujin shouted but was pulled by Chaeyeon. Yujin glared at Yena gesturing Yena to fight back.

But Yena can't.

"Go home!" Yuri's father demanded making Yuri walk.

"I don't want you all of you with Yuri again!"

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