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A knock made Eunbi looked at the door of her apartment, she stood up and opened the door, she was greeted by Nako's mother, who looks more grumpy than usual. "How may I help you?" Eunbi asked, lips curling into a small smile to look nice. Nako's mother shook her head. "Where is my daughter?" Nako's mother asked, in a much angry tone, Eunbi muttered a small 'huh', that's why she haven't heard any sounds on Nako's room. "I don't know Mrs. Yabuki. We didn't have any lessons yest-" Eunbi didn't finished her sentence since Nako's mother barge inside her apartment. "Mrs. Yabuki isn't this trespassing!?" Eunbi stated following Nako's mother inside her room.

"I know but I have to do this to find my daughter." Nako's mother replied, looking for anything that is connected to Nako. "Nut I told you, I haven't talked to her nor saw her since yesterday!" Eunbi stated. Nako's mother looked at her. "Really!? Well for sure she's been attracted to you!" Nako's mother said, more frustrated than ever. "Let's talk about this in a calm manner." Eunbi raised her brows. Nako's mother sighed. "I don't know how."

"You see, I really hate Nako's friends and now ever since you became her tutor she became more stubborn than she is! I don't know what you're teaching her!" Nako's mother left, bumping her shoulder into Eunbi's. Eunbi looked down on the floor.

What am I even teaching her?

Eunbi sat on her bed, taking out her phone. She knows her point, she knows the truth, she knows all the kinds of things she's teaching Nako but why is she upset? Eunbi knows she haven't saw Nako for a while not even yesterday, but she got an idea where Nako would have gone to, her friends. Eunbi was about to call Nako when the younger had contacted her first.

Nako is calling...

Nako is calling

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Ms. Kwon?

Yes Nako-ssi.

Please don't tell mom I'm in the hospital.


What happened?

My friends are with me, Minju,

She's in danger.

She can't breath.

We need to save her as fast we can.

I left 12:12 am, after Yujin called me.

Please come here.

I will.

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