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Sakura would be honest, the container she's holding was dead heavy, it feels like it might pull her down, yet she still carried it with all her strength, the town was empty indeed, Yena found it as a big opportunity to finally get Yuri

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Sakura would be honest, the container she's holding was dead heavy, it feels like it might pull her down, yet she still carried it with all her strength, the town was empty indeed, Yena found it as a big opportunity to finally get Yuri. Yujin didn't like the plan but she can't resist her friend, if she have to help Yena she'll do it, it is for Yuri's sake. Yena knows she'll save Yuri this time, it's a perfect timing since Yuri's parents were out and Yuri might be freezing alone in that bathroom.

Sakura with all her courage puts the container down along with Yujin, pulling her face mask from her pockets along with Yujin. Yena kicked the front door causing it to fall with a loud thud, she hurriedly walked upstairs to reach Yuri's room with a violent kick on the door.

"Pour the gas now." Sakura instructed Yujin, which was followed by the younger with all her might, Yujin hurriedly did it her eyes watching the area even the post to see if there are camera's but there are none in their area. They reached the backyard and finally the container was empty they just have to wait for Yena and Yuri.

Yena entered the room her eyes quickly averting to the wide opened door of the bathroom, she entered, but not seeing Yuri in the same place. Yena panicked quickly searching for Yuri and seeing Yuri in the bathtub laying unconsciously, her body is wet due to the water flowing from the bathtub, Yena hurried to Yuri, staring at the younger, Yuri looks pale, her lips and her body. Yena sat down hopelessly, her eyes starting to water.

Yujin notice that it was getting darker, in which Yuri's sister will come home. Yujin glanced at the house, anxiousness building up both of them. "Haseul's going home in this hour right?" Sakura asked, Yujin nodded, swallowing the lump on her dry throat.

Yena opened the bottle of the blue liquid pouring it down to the water of the bathtub where Yuri is laying.

Yujin gave the lighter to Sakura hurrying up to Yuri's room. Yujin entered the room searching for the two and she saw them both laying on the bathtub, hands intertwined.

"Yena unnie wake up!" Yena sat up, her eyes were dull, she was pale along with Yuri.

"Let's take Yuri unnie down before it's too late." Yena and Yujin helped each other to bring Yuri outside and finally finish their plan.

Reaching the outside of Yuri's house Yujin and Yena hurried to carry Yuri. "Faster guys!" Sakura demanded as the two brought Yuri in the van. Sakura ended everything by throwing the lighter as the fire grew bigger and bigger, they never noticed to figure watching from afar.

"They really did it for your sister." Vivi stated her eyes watching the big fire eating up the small house.

"Yeah that's what Yuri is to them." Haseul stated, her lips tucking in a small smile.


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