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Yujin held her father's hand firmly, her heart almost drop, she do't want her father suffering like this. Her eyes were watering yet she was ignoring it, biting her bottom lips as hard as she can just to stop the urge of crying out loud. Yena watch behind Yujin, seeing how miserable her friend was, it was kinda sad knowing one of them had problems to think of and no one could help them. Yena clutched to her clothes firmly, her brows furrowing.

This shouldn't be happening.

"I'll help you get some money to pay the bills!" Yena blurted out, stomping her feet. Yujin wiped the tears on her eyes, shaking her head. "You don't have to help me." Yujin stated smiling sweetly to Yena, showing that she can solve it without bothering someone and looking for someone's help.

"No! I mean aren't we supposed to help each other, b-because we're friends!" Yena stated her eyes were starting to water.

Yena is right, they are the one who should help each other, they only have each other right now.

"You're right but...how are we suppose to do that?" Yujin asked, looking like a poor puppy.

Yena no...that's a bad idea.

This will help Yujin so shut up.


"Don't worry about it I got it." Yena shook her head and smiled, without even thinking the consequences of her plan.

"But we have to do something first." Yena stated, her eyes were shaking but she kept it.


"Save Yuri."

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