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"Sakura." Chaeyeon called and Sakura turned into her with a smile, Sakura raised her brows. "Why?" Sakura asked, Chaeyeon smiled at her, but it was different-- Sakura never knew it, Chaeyeon laughed, bitterly, she knew that the cycle would still go on, it should be better by now, but what was happening? Sakura never knew it was gonna be bad, she thought Chaeyeon was always happy, she feels it, how Chaeyeon would sing her melody--- but Chaeyeon was feeling blue, bitter, mad, all sorts of words that can define sadness, Sakura thought Chaeyeon was happy. Chaeyeon looked like a person who could enjure anything, because Chaeyeon would do anything for Sakura, she would sleep beside her to lessen the pain inside her heart, because Chaeyeon looks--- brave.

Sakura never knew how Chaeyeon would end up breaking down in her own world, she never knew how she can make Chaeyeon cry, Chaeyeon would always smile at her, give her all the words that can sooth her, she was Sakura's remedy, but Sakura--- when did she gave a risk for Chaeyeon? It felt like she did nothing. One time Sakura saw Chaeyeon in the middle of the night, that one time Chaeyeon needs to rush to get to her family in the other province, she was late, the train left her alone after leaving her with a screech as the metal of the rail had a contact with the wheels of the train that hurts her ears.

Sakura came with a tired look on her face, she hurried for Chaeyeon but she was awfully late, the sky was dark, Chaeyeon was just standing there, carrying her bag, she didn't care if the train might left her, she waited for Sakura, Sakura had to attend the last day of Yujin's father, Chaeyeon was not close to Sakura's friend, she had to understand Sakura, Sakura wished she had apologized that time when she had the chance.

"I just really needed comfort." Chaeyeon stated as she looks down at the duvet of their bed, Sakura looked at her with a confused face, Chaeyeon never asked for comfort because she'll bottle it up, but Sakura never knew, Sakura never wanted to make Chaeyeon cry but she never knew Chaeyeon was always crying. There were that time Chaeyeon was worried and was really sad, she felt so tired, Chaeyeon didn't want Sakura to know, she wanted to go through it all, but she wanted to let it out to Sakura, she just can't, that time where she felt really sad and stressed, Sakura was there, chatting her friends, Chaeyeon just watched her and she felt really fucking hurt, she had no choice but to let Sakura go. "Go home and play games with your friends." She still remember saying that.

"Why?" Sakura asked, as she scooted closer to Chaeyeon, Sakura wrapped her arms to Chaeyeon's waist. Chaeyeon felt terrified, she can't say anything. "I feel terrified." Chaeyeon answered. "For what?" Sakura puts her chin at the shoulder of Chaeyeon's. "I-- just felt so."

"Did I do something wrong?" Sakura asked, looking at Chaeyeon's eyes. Chaeyeon looked back at Sakura, smiling softly, though her eyes says other wise. "No, it's just I feel sad." Chaeyeon mumbled. Sakura smiled and planted a soft kiss on Chaeyeon's cheeks. "You don't have to." Sakura mumbled.

A ring came from Sakura's phone, Sakura fished it on her pockets and lets go of Chaeyeon. Chaeyeon watched her, the same glint on her eyes that she had when Sakura, once again, lets her down. "Yuri's in trouble," Sakura stood up and scurried. "I gotta go." Sakura looked at Chaeyeon's eyes, Chaeyeon stood up and took her hands. "Go," The same line she would always say. "You should help your friends." Chaeyeon let go of Sakura's hands as Sakura ran away and scurried fast.

Chaeyeon sat down.

"I'm fine."


all in was going down so angsty and scary and i lost brain cells bc of this

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