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Yena clutched her backpack looking everywhere to see if someone is watching her, she decided to sneak inside Yuri's house, the thought of Yuri alone was bothering her all night. Yena breathed heavily gathering up her courage, she opened the door to know that if it was locked or not, after attempting a few times it didn't work. Yena ran to the backyard as quick as she can, seeing the window in Yuri's room was opened wide. She dropped her backpack, looking for her rope. Yena mustered up her courage and climbed the wall up to Yuri's room, with the rope in her hands, she was planning of tying it in where she can tie the rope inside the room that can hold them both when going done

Reaching the window of Yuri's room, she went inside falling down and making a loud thump, she didn't see anyone inside making her look for Yuri more in the room, she stopped, Yena tied the rope in one of the bed's legs before continuing on finding Yuri, of course she did it successfully. Yena stood up seeing the door of the bathroom in Yuri's room was open. Yena walked inside seeing someone with a cloth hiding the person's face, she knew it was a girl, with her hair still visible.

Yena crouched to see the girl's face, her arms have bruises on it, she knew she have to be so gentle with the girl. "Hey." The girl looked up, but then she also looked away. "What's your name?" The girl shook her head as a no. But Yena is sure she needed to do this. Yena pulled the cloth up just to be shocked.

"Yuri?" Yuri avoided Yena's gaze, Yena leaned at Yuri and grazed her hand on Yuri's cheek. Yuri slapped Yena's hands away. "Please go home already." Yuri stated, he face was full bruises, it was scaring Yena so much, to the fact she's hurting too.

"No you need to come with me." Yena held Yuri's hand but Yuri declined, shaking her head. "No run away as long as you can."

"But how about you?"

"I can still manage myself."

"No way Yuri."

"If I come with you there's a big chance that my father might get angry more and more."

Yuri was right, instead of taking Yuri away they should plan things first.

"I'm gonna ask Yujin for help."

Yena ran out of the bathroom, going down from the window of Yuri's room as fast a she can.

"Go Yena."

"I can't take this anymore."

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