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"Why do you look so bothered?" Eunbi asked Nako, looking at the younger girl, Nako sighed, her eyes fixated at her textbook, she shook her head. "This-this is nothing." Eunbi shook her, not even believing everything Nako said. "I heard that your friend's father died, isn't it bothering you?" Eunbi asked, looking at her student. "Yes it does." Nako answered in her soft voice. "But it's not the only thing that bothers me so much." Nako mumbled. "Many things huh?" Eunbi held her student's hand. Nako looked at her hands that was intertwined with Eunbi's. "Yes many things."

"Like what?"

"My friends,"


"And you Ms. Kwon."

Nako sighed.

"I like you so much that's why." Nako continued.

"But I was scared that it might be one of the burdens in my life." Nako whined after those words.

"You have everything that I really like."

"Like everything."

"My mom might think you might ruin my life and hate you."

"I was scared of that."

Eunbi smiled.

"Why are you scared?" Eunbi asked.

Nako glanced at her tutor.

"Because you're older, my father hates my friends, my grades that he started blaming my mom for it."

"So my mom started to treat me like her baby, she did everything for me,"

"I didn't like it-in fact I hate it so much."

Nako paused, but then she continued.

"But I had to appreciate it,"

"She did it for my father to not hate me."

"I was only scared that my mom will hate you, because if my father knew that I like my teacher, he'll hate you,"

"Blame my mom."

"Then hate me."

Nako placed her face on her palms, then started crying.

"I hate blaming everyone."

Eunbi hugged Nako.

"Shush, everything is going to be fine."

"Believe in me."

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