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"Where have you been?" Mrs. Yabuki asked Nako, a worried look on her face, these past few days that Nako was nowhere to be seen she and Mr. Yabuki was worried, they couldn't sleep without thinking if Nako was alright. They were just about to blame Eunbi for it, but goodness they didn't, they knew Eunbi was just as worried as they are, she kept finding Nako anywhere.

Nako was unable to look at her parents, she was scared, Nako knew it was her fault, going in somewhere without telling her parents, not even Eunbi, somehow she didn't like Eunbi's presence, which was different than what Minju had dreamed of, in Minju's dream Nako seems to be glued to Eunbi, there was no way she would think bad at Eunbi, but in real life, Nako hated Eunbi, it felt like she was almost tied up, without knowing her true feelings for the older.

"I was just worried about Yena and Yuri, I went to find them and stayed with them." Nako answered, Mr. Yabuki was furios, ever since she had her friends here in Korea, she started to become a brat, she was living in a dangerous way, and Nako's father hated it.

"There! Your friends again!" Mr. Yabuki pointed at Nako harshly, a frown on his face, he hated how Nako's friends influenced her, without knowing their true intentions.

Mr. Yabuki sighed, as he rubbed his head. "I told you that hanging out with them will get you in a big trouble!" Mr. Yabuki paused, thinking whether he wiuld tell the nurder case about Mr. Jo or not, he didn't know if it could hurt Nako or not.

"And your obviously hanging out with a murderer!" Mr. Yabuki snaps, making Nako clenched her fist and stood up from the couch, tears falling of her eyes.

"I knew it already! Yena killed Yuri's father! And you never know the reason why!" Nako snaps back to her father, glaring at her father. Her father could call her a lot of things, but he doesn't have a right to call shits at her friends.

Nako walked away with a heavy chest, when she gets away, Eunbi saw her going out of the building, Eunbi walked towards Nako, pulling Nako by Nako's wrist.

Nako faced her, she was a crying mess, it hurts Eunbi to see her student like this, and it even hurt her more knowing she was so fond of the younger one, she had feelings for Nako.

"What's wrong?" Eunbi asked, a worried look on her face. Nako looks away, wiping her tears. "No shit." Nako muttered. "Why are you suddenly cursing?" Eunbi asked, as she harden her hold in Nako's wrist. Nako laughed sarcastically, but deep inside she was hurting hell, she was mad. "That's what I freaking learned for my friends." Nako stated, looking at Eunbi.

Eunbi didn't see a strong Nako in front of her, she saw a broke one, like a fragile glass that fell from someone's hands, she looked pale, her eyes were red, she looked hurt.

Eunbi pulled Nako in hug, with Nako hugging her back, burying her head in the older's neck.

"Everything's going to be fine."

Nako wished everything would be.

i feel like this book will reach
100 chapters skskskks.
and stan rocket punch!
stan my babe jeong dahyun and all
of them!

and if i make a jeong dahyun ff or haruto ff
please support it since other iz*one ffs are on the work!

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