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cherry blossoms,

everyone says it's pretty,

it defines prettiness.

i was named before it,

my parents thought everything about me was pretty,

but it never was,

nothing was pretty about me.

even i tell my grandmother about it.

she didn't talk,

afraid of somehow to overpush me,

to make me think.

she didn't want to tell me that i'm not


i never had kindness.

i was dumb that i hurt so many people,

including her,

i couldn't risk enough for her,

it made me look unworthy for her.

she did everything for us,

while all i think about was myself.

my friends,

i was selfish that i thought,

her smile was real,

her words depicts happiness.

but she was hurting inside.

now i know her worth.

miyawaki sakura.

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