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Minju was a bit nervous, the thrill was much stronger than the familiarity she felt remembering this scene. They arrived the store, not reading what kind of store it is, the shook the spray cans before startibg to vandalize, Minju didn't liked the smell that she currently is sniffing, even through the black face masks, she still can smell it. Yujin laughed, louder, making Yuri to shush her, wanna know what she wrote.


That's it. Minju then heard Yena squealed, as she clasps her hand, she definetely drew a duck, Minju shook her head and sighed, Chaewon seems to not know what to to do. Chaewon sighed and decided to just vandalize it, not really caring that time.

Chaeyeon, she just laugh, laugh at everything they do, Sakura tried to shush her down, but it didn't work.

Minju was waiting, waiting till a police car chase them, she was busy looking everywhere to spot a police car, but there was none. She remembered that this shop was near Hitomi's house, which owns a bunch of bluebell in their backyard.

"Gosh Yuri be creative." Yena stated through the fabric of the mask, rolling her eyes playfully. "What? Yours doesn't even count as creative." Yuri stated, rolling her eyes back at Yena. "Unlucky Nako she can't see how funny this thing was." Yujin stated, controlling her laughs through the mask. "She'll definetely cackle." Sakura agreed with Yujin.

Yuri then wrote something, offensive as it counts as it was really offensive for a guy.

Homophobics are cowards.

Yena laughed and put a arm on Yuri's shoulder. "Good job Joyul." And for some reasons, Chaeyeon can't stop laughing. "Your father will kill you if he knew about this." Yujin stated. "Yep and so is Yeojin and Haseul." Yuri answered.

Hitomi decided to walk out of her room, seeing his brother, sleeping in front of the monitors which was connected to the CCTV cameras outside their house and their bakery shop, there Hitomi saw 7 girls vandalizing the shop.

Her eyes widened and decided to shook his brother up, unable to say a word.

"What is it Hitomi?" Mitz muttered looking at his sister. Hitomi then pointed at the monitor, Mitz and Hitomi stood up and went outside with their flashlights.

"Hey!" Minju and the other girls heard Hitomi's brother shout, Minju can't see him clearly due to the flashlights pointing at them harshly. Minju glanced at Chaewon, Minju could see the shock in her eyes.

"What do you think are you doing?!" Yujin and the others ran, Mitz immediately run for them, Minju and Chaewon was left.

Chaewon puts her mask down, Hitomi was once again shocked, her dear friend just vandalized their shop. "Hitomi." Chaewon muttered while looking at Hitomi. Hitomi glared at Chaewon angrily. "Sorry Hiichan!"

Chaewon looked at the spot where they vandalized. "We didn't know this shop was your family's." Chaewon stated. But Hitomi ignored them and ran inside to tell their parents.

"Chaewon let's go!" Minju and Chaewon then dashed away from the shop, escaping from the trouble they got into.

do you like this book even though you lost some braincells?

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