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i am not the best daughter my parents had,

i can also be a bad influence to everyone.

i can sometimes care for my self only.

i'm always happy,

i spread happy vibes,

i hate when someone is frowning.

but deep inside,

those voices keeps hunting me.

sometimes i wanted it to stop, in silence it lingers in my ears,

it makes me go


i hid it of course,

i told myself there is no one who must know about it.

with a smile, i hide my true self,

i hide the monster inside me.

i always thought, the person who makes someone happy, must stay happy

stay a wide smile on his face.

but then i was wrong.

good thing there are my friends who kept me,

who kept the monster inside me.

i was scared that they'll leave me.

and there was someone who never left me,

who never thought i was a monster.

she always stayed with me.

who kept me calm.

now, i just wanted to say,

i love her.

choi yena

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