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Nako lays on her bed, probably thinking of what was happening on her life, nothing was new, except for the fact that Minju seems to be out of her mind, just to her point of veiw though. Nako sighed, as she raised the volume of her phone, earbuds continuesly playing her favorite song that has always been repeated, when she's happy, sad, mad-- in whaever she feels the same song continues to play, making her other songs kept on her playlists.

She started to sing along silently.

I had to come out again.

What will I do when I run into you.

I wait cautiously,

Without wanting anything.

I just stare vacantly, then leave.

From far I wish to be the---

Nako then paused the song and took her earbuds off.

A knock interupted her, which made her grunt and stand up, several of knocks were heard before she opened the door, seeing her mother.

"Yes?" Nako asked, one brow rising. "I want to tell you something." Her mother answered and gestured Nako to follow outside her room to the living room, Nako saw a woman sitting cautiously at the sofa, waiting.

"Sorry for waiting." Nako's mother stated, smiling softly at the woman. The woman shook her head and smiled.

She's pretty.

"It's fine Mrs. Yabuki, it wasn't even that long." The woman stated. Nako's mother smiled with a chuckle. "Uhm anyways, this is my daughter Nako," Nako's mother introduced Nako, Nako then bowed at the woman. "Nice to meet you." Nako greeted.

"Nako, she just moved here and please treat her nicely." Nako' s mother stated. "Yes I will."

"Nako, her name is Kwon Eunbi, call her Ms. Kwon." Nako's breathes hitched a few moments, trying not to show how confused and shock she is. Ms. Kwon, the same name Minju mentioned. Eunbi stood up and bowed.

"Hi there Nako. I will be your school's new teacher and your new tutor."

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