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"Hitomi!" Chaewon shouted outside Honda's Residence, she was making a scene but it doesn't matter, she just wants to talk to Hitomi, but Hitomi wasn't answering nor going down to see her. Chaewon breaths heavily before shouting Hitomi's name for the 10th time. "HITOMI!" Chaewon nearly ran out of breath. Then Hitomi's brother came out, wearing casual, that one guy Chaeyeon was whispering about, he sighed and puts his hands on his waist. "Why are you here Chaewon?" Mitz asked, looking at Chaewon, smiling. "Is Hitomi here?" Chaewon asked, panting. Mitz looked at the window of Hitomi's room before shaking his head. "Sorry but she's currently staying at her cousin's house." Mitz lied, he lied, Hitomi was inside her room watching how Mitz and Chaewon talk.

"Where?" Chaewon asked.

"I can't tell you Chaewon." Mitz sighed.

"Please, I really have to tell her something." Chaewon pleaded.

"Even if I want to tell you I can't." Mitz stated, his voice getting tougher and tougher.


"Chaewon please, give her space," Mitz puts a hand on Chaewon's shoulder.

"She needs to recover quickly." Mitz smiled, but Chaewon frowned.

"Please understand." Chaewon nodded.

Mitz left her, looking down, feels like all the darkness is all up to her, like the world hates her. Mitz took a last glance before entering inside their house, Chaewon started to walk, but she stops as she felt the rain starting to pour.


Hitomi headed out of her room to their living room, there she saw Mitz. "M-m-mitz, please let h-h-her stay here f-for a while until t-the rain s-stops." Hitomi pleaded, walking up to his brother. "No." Mitz answered, but then he pats Hitomi's head. "Go and rest."




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