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"Woah, woah Yena unnie?" Minju asked Hyewon as the older had the expressionless look in her face, nodding her head. Hyewon surprised Minju by telling the younger that Yena was in a big trouble and Minju's friends were coming for her to rescue, but it was hard since Minju wouldn't believe, Hyewon knows what was happening, she heard her father told so, and she was sure because of panic Chaewon and the others didn't had the chance to tell her.

Hyewon sighed and puts a hand on her waist as she examined the younger girl--- she looks tired. Eyebags under her bright eyes, pale lips and she doesn't look like she had enough sleep last night.

Hyewon knew, there is no chance Minju will be able to say, "Hyewon, I'm perfectly fine." in this situation, Hyewon knew she had to take the best care for the younger, and instead of pushing Minju to come and rescue Yena, Hyewon had a second thought of just making Minju rest, she actually fucked up without knowing Minju was tired and she was not supposed to add more stress.

"Fine." Hyewon looked for the nearest infirmary as she had a confused face, but it was rather more like a stone, this afternoon, Minju saw no smile on the older's pretty face.

"Follow me." Hyewon pulled Minju at the infirmary she located, as her eyes wanders everywhere if there was someone who saw them, actually, they didn't know classes are already starting. Minju looked at the older girl, confused. "Where are we going?"

Hyewon scoffs as they entered the infirmary.

"Shush. Just shut up."

Hyewon made Minju lay and sat on the chair as she watch the younger. Minju had a confused look on her face as she tried not to wheeze. "Why am I layi--"

"You absolutely need a rest." Hyewon cuts Minju's question. Minju nodded and tried to close her eyes, but she can't sleep, she could feel Hyewon's eyes bore at her, and it was scary.

Minju tried to open her eyes, but then closed it because she knew Hyewon was watching her.

Then her phone vibrated at her pocket, she opened her eyes and fished her phone, opening it to see a shocking notification she opened the notification to see the news, Hyewon watched her carefully.

"A man is killed at their house and everyone is suspecting it was the friends of his daughter's fault."

"His daughter's name is Jo Yuri."

"He was killed last July 14, 2019 at their own house in their town, his oldest daughter saw him laying in the floor blood flowing from his body."

"The polices were suspecting that the weapon use for murdering was the broken bottle located near Mr. Jo."

"Before the crime happened, it was stated that Mr. Jo had an argument with his daughter, which is Jo Yuri it is somehow too personal,"

"Mr. Jo's youngest daughter saw it and tried to stop them but was locked in her room."

"It was also stated that Mr. Jo was abusing his two daughters, Jo Haseul and Jo Yuri, it was about the two daughter's sexuality."

"Mr. Jo was also a part of a church ministry to be said that he is homophobic."

"Police are trying to find out who was the killer because they can't make the other two daughters to speak up and tell more about the suspect and kept saying they don't have aby idea,"

"Police are thinking that the two was trying to protect the murderer because it was close to them."

"But they are still no evidences to prove the statement."

Minju felt nervous, her heart beating fast, she was scared and it felt like she couldn't breath, then she started to lose her breath which Hyewon noticed and tried to find a inhaler inside the infirmary, luckily she found one, giving it to Minju.

"Relax Minju, what happened?" Hyewon asked as she saw Minju finally breathing back normally again.

"Yena unnie, Yuri, they're in trouble." Minju breaths out as she close her eyes.

Hyewon stared at Minju, thinking of a way to calm Minju down.

"I need to help them." Minju stated and looked at Hyewon, Hyewon then shook her head.

"No. Stay here and rest,"

"I will find them."

Then Hyewon left as she tried to locate Chaewon.

think what is the reason i put july 14 as the date and this book reached 50 chapters!

back then i wanted to end this book in the part where minju woke up and realized everything she saw was a dream,

but i continued it :)). i was having a lot of fun writing this book!

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