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Nako drop her textbook, eyes just staring at it, she haven't really got into studying since when she got into trouble, she glanced at the wall behind her, leaning in trying to hear any sounds from the other side, but she didn't heard anything. "Maybe she's busy." Nako mumbled looking down at her textbook, it's not like her grades were falling but it was just going up and down, the thought of her piano teacher was still lingering on her mind, she was wondering why would Eunbi cancel the lesson today, maybe she's tired or because of what she said back then about Eunbi distracting her lately. A knock then made Nako look up and glance at the door of her room, standing up she walks towards and opening it. "Nako, is something bothering you?" Nako's mom asked, looking down at her daughter. "It's not like something is bothering me but, I just can't focus on my studies alone." Nako look down, fiddling her fingers. "Do you want to have a tutor?" Nako immediately nodded.

Eunbi crumple like a ball, clutching on her stomach, trying not to scream about the pain the cramps giving her. "I hate this." Eunbi mumbled, standing up from her bed, the cramps she have makes her to cancel the piano lesson for Nako.

Eunbi headed at the kitchen still clutching her stomach, trying her best to not cry. Just before opening the refrigerator, the doorbell rung making her groan and open the door, opening the door there she saw Nako, waiting. "Uh.. what are you doing here?" Eunbi asked, trying her best to not look weird. "I was just wondering if you can tutor me." Eunbi nodded. "Don't worry my mom will talk to you tomorrow." Nako bowed. "It's okay please don't bow."

"Go home now since it's dark, haven't you heard about the robbery in the jewelry shop near us?" Nako nodded, stepping backwards. "Yes Ms. Kwon I have. Sorry for bothering you." Nako left, leaving Eunbi.

"I can still feel the pain of the cramps."

That's why she hates the 'time of the month' only if boys experience this too.

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