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i was a jerk, 

not the perfect child.

people might regret having me in this world.

i don't accept failure,

but i was one.

that's why it's hard to accept me.

people might get tired of me easily,

they might not care for me,

i might be a disgrace.

a idiot,




tell me those things and i won't accept it,

at the same time i can.

but if you tell that to my friends.

i won't 


i care for them,

a lot.

that's why when someone messes with them, and other people that i love,

i'll beat them up.

i won't hold back.

because i care.

i care for my father,

my mother,


i can be rude,


but i'll never ever let them down.

i'm always with them.

they just have to call out for me,

because i hate it when the person i love is down,

i hate to see them hurting alone.

ahn yujin

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