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Chaewon and her friends escaped the mess they made, but Chaewon, she didn't, she clearly had her mask down, looking straight Hitomi, flashlight pointing at her harshly. Yujin also stated that Hitomi's brother was fast, so fast, that she was clearly pulled on her sleeves, she was lucky enough to escape.

"Shit!" Yujin cursed as she felt her sleeves getting pulled. "Got you!" Mitz muttered. The road was slippery, that made Yujin slipped, lucky enough Mitz also fell, Yujin got pulled by Sakura as they continued to run.

Chaewon remembered that Mitz saw them at the same direction, they almost got lost at the fact they dashed at the different street. Chaewon was scared, what if Hitomi told the police? Chaewon sighed as she continued walking through the crowded hallways, looking down, she felt her heart pounding hard, then there she saw Mingyu, Kim Mingyu, the popular guy in their school, he was talking to Hitomi, Chaewon knew Mingyu can understand sign language, base on her observations. Chaewon walked backwards, but then she stopped, staring at the two. She was a meters far from the two, this shit got her sick, Kim Mingyu, this really might be the reason Yujin hated him, at the fact he just run into some girls.

"Shit." Chaewon mumbled as she finds a way to get to her next class without Hitomi seeing her, she felt ashamed. She walked away, far from Hitomi and Mingyu, but then.

"Chaewon-ssi!" Chaewon heard Mingyu calling out to her, Chaewon cursed quietly as she forced herself to face Mingyu, and she swear, she can feel Mingyu's evil smirk. "What is it?" Chaewon asked, forcing out a smile at Mingyu, her eyes then went to Hitomi, seeing Hitomi not smiling, not even a bit, not her eyes, not her lips.

"Nothing," Mingyu paused, hands slithering his pockets. "But, mind eating with us later?" Mingyu asked, raising his brows. Chaewon nervously shook her head, smiling. "No thanks, I can manage." Chaewon answered, eyes averting at Hitomi.

"I have to go now, sorry guys." Hitomi gestured, shaking her head, before finally going. Chaewon's eyes follows Hitomi, seeing her figure slowly disappearing. Chaewon then glared at Mingyu, who was smiling widely. "Why?" Mingyu asked, shrugging, he then continued. "Sad to know that you guys mistaken Honda's bakery shop as ours," Mingyu chuckled. "Pity you guys, you don't even had the chance to revenge." Mingyu sighed jokingly.

"You guys got caught." Mingyu laughed.

"Fuck you Kim Mingyu." Chaewon cursed, pointing at Mingyu.

Mingyu then left, waving at Chaewon.


"Poor girls."

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