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"Where have you been?" Yuri's father asked, eyes bore at Yuri, Yuri hitched, as she felt her heart's beat getting faster. "Dad, I just hang out with my friend." Yuri asked, her voice shaky, but she kept it. "Friend?" Her father questioned, raising his voice. "Y-yes." Yuri's father walked up to her and pointed harshly on her head. "Put this on your head," Yuri closed her eyes shut as her father's finger points on her head that makes her feel like those fingers bore into her mind with those words that prickle.

"You can't love someone who is the same gender as yours."

Shit. Yuri thought as she felt being smacked on the head. Yuri bit on her bottom lip, as she force her tears inside so she won't look weak. Slowly she felt her tears slowly falling from her eyes, she then felt the metallic tasting liquid on her lip, she knew it was the blood from her lips. Yuri looked down. "If I ever knew you are home late," Her father faced her, glaring at her with all the anger he has, Yuri's father swears he'll kill all Yuri's friend when he sees them once. "You're in trouble. Understand?"

"Y-yes." Yuri answered, as she sniffs.

"And," Yuri's father continued.

"If I ever see Yena here or with you," Yuri looks up to her father as he paused, threatening his daughter. "I will kill her." Yuri's father raised his brows. "Got it?"

Yuri nodded, feeling like she could blow up any minute and cry.

"Dad!" Yeojin shouted as she ran in front of her father and Yuri, she then spread her arms as a sheild. "Stop it!" She yelled. Their father crossed his arms, glaring at Yeojin, but Yuri knew, it was softer than how he would glare at Haseul and Yuri, she knew his father hated them both, of course Yeojin was the youngest and he would really expect something he didn't got when he had Haseul and Yuri and Yeojin came from another woman their father had, but at least, they trated each other so real. "Go to your room Yeojin." Their father demanded. Yeojin shook her head, lips turning into a frown. "No!" Their father sighed.

"Me and Yuri have to talk," His voice grew a little harder.

"Now go." He once again demanded. "Go now Yeojin." Yuri whispered to her younger sister, but Yeojin looked at her, eyes softening, Yeojin mouthed something, more like "No, I can't leave you alone." Yuri shook her head and smiled softly and whispered again. "Go now, I deserve this." Yeojin then got pulled be her father towards her room and got locked inside.

"Dad!" "Let me out!" Yeojin demanded on a high tone, from downstairs Yuri could hear it.

"No Yeojin, stay there." Their father commanded, after that, there were no sounds heard after.

Yuri saw their father going down, with a heavy expression.

"Now Yuri, tell me what you feel about Yena!" Their father demanded, index finger pointing harshly at his daughter. Yuri couldn't speak, she was scared that she would look like a trash, disgrace, the word their father will always bore Haseul and Yuri's mind without rest. Yuri breaths heavily, fingers trembling, she then got shook in the shoulder by her father. "Tell me Jo Yuri!"

Yuri then felt like she wanted to burst it out, she wanted to let her father know how badly she was in love to Yena.

"I like her so much!"

"No! I mean I love her!"

Yuri closed her eyes tightly, waiting for the incoming slap, she wanted Haseul to come and help her. When she opened her eyes she saw her father readying to slap her, but unfortunately her phone rings.

It was Yena.

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