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Hyewon looks up in the sky, above her are stars that are scattered, she's loving it, although it thought her to hate the night, it was beautiful, but it only looked pretty from afar. Her eyes averts in the moon as she stretched her arms and acted like she could reach it, she wished she could. She was stupid, when she was young, she would ask everyone why we couldn't fly, people would laugh at her, tell her she was absurd. People would look down at her, like she was small, like she can't do anything, but she'll do everything, she's more than a debris, more than just a girl, she can do more than anyone can.

She was different, and she knew it, but no one does, that's why she wanted to reach the sky, because she know she can, she can do it more than anyone can, she had no parents but there was a couple who treated her like one, the one who made her, was also the one who named her, she called him father and his wife as mother, everytime she's down, she would tell herself that her mom didn't die for nothing.

She could still picture the same nightmare she had in her life as a android, her mother died because she wanted to protect Hyewon from those officials who wanted to steal her beacause she was different. Hyewon was originally made to be a health companion, and give her to those people who was in need, who is ill, but the one who made her couldn't let her go, Hyewon was like his daughter, so he had to hide Hyewon.

Hyewon closed her eyes, remembering that time when she could picture herself reaching the sky, her father would always encourage her to reach everything, to have faith. She couldn't let anyone pull her down, she's not gonna know what's left and right if she can't trust herself.

"I can do this." Hyewon mumbled to herself.

"Hyewon?" Someone called her, and looking back, it was Minju, Minju looked at her, blinking a few times.

"Why are you still here? It's already 10pm." Minju mumbled as she walks toward Hyewon in the middle of the park. "I was just procrastinating here." Hyewon answered, and of course it was a lie.

As Hyewon stares at Minju, she knew she had to help Minju, she was ill, and she needed her help, Hyewon's eyes softens, for the very first time. "Is there anything wrong Minju?" Hyewon asked Minju, Minju didn't know what to say, she was just amazed by how Hyewon looks like, oh sure she didn't know Hyewon knows this time, Minju couldn't breath, because of running and being whipped, she ran because she saw Hyewon.

"Nothing." Minju answered as she tried not to hitch and pant, but she couldn't.

"Can you still breath?" Hyewon asked, Minju nodded, and acted as if she was fine. Hyewon's hand that was hot as a sauna in Minju's dream, were actually cold in real, but being an android, she had the chance to heat up, she held Minju's hand. Hyewon wasn't convinced.

"Spread your arms." Hyewon instructed, but Minju, she hesitated. "Why?" "Just do it."

Minju stretched her arms, as she looks straight at Hyewon, Hyewon scanned Minju, and found out she was asthmatic.

Hyewon stretch her arms and opened her hand. "Give me your inhaler." Minju shook her head and acted like she have none, still trying not to pant.

But Hyewon glared at her.

She had to give it.

"Here." Minju gave it to Hyewon.

"Use it." Hyewon stated and gave back the inhaler.

"Don't you ever lie to me that you're not ill,"

"Because I will found out."

Hyewon smiled at Minju.

"I will be your health companion,"

"I will keep you."

fluff with a littlle bit angst for y'all

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