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"I hope they find Kang-chan already." Minami mumbled as she wait outside the office, hands fidgeting while she look at Nanami, who was also waiting. "I'm sure they will, they're doing their best." Nanami cheered Minami up, waving her hands so she can make Minami calm down. "But, y'know, it's been days and we know Kang-chan's power might drain out." Minami stated as she held Nanami's hand, looking at the latter's eyes. Nanami sighs as she look away. "Yeah, you're right." Nanami agreed.

"But I think she can take care of herself." Nanami stated, brows raising up at the smaller girl. Minami shook her head, mumbling a lot of no's. "She can't. Who will recharge her? We all know she needed someone she takes care of to say 'I'm perfectly fine' but there is no one who will say that." Minami stated the fact, as she tried not to cry because she was in fear. "I don't want her to be left out and everyone to find her secret." Minami mumbled and looked down with a sigh.

"What are you guys doing here?" A matured voice asked, as a figure walks up to them. "M-ms. Kwon?" Minami called as she let go of Nanami's hand, wiping the tear that almost fell out of her eyes.

"We are just waiting for the news about Kang-chan and the other girls." Nanami stated and smiled at Eunbi. "Kang-chan?" Eunbi asked as she looked weirdly at the two girls. "Ah! I mean Kang Hyewon sunbaenim." Nanami corrected.

"Oh, about that I heard--" A ring from Minami's phone cuts Eunbi's sentence.

"Hello?" Minami greeted, as she turn away from Nanami and Eunbi. "Why do you sound like that?" Minami was growing scared in any minutes that passed, the sound from the other lind was not necessary-- it was scary.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it." A rustling sound was heard from the other line, as the girl who was speaking with her leaned in the old wall of the old house she was staying at. "Where are you?" Minami ask, as she held the phone closer to her ear, it was not in a speaker mode and she will not turn it on because Eunbi aas close to them.

"You see, I opened the location of my phone, you could follow it." The other line answered, and it sounded so wierd for Minami. "I thought you guys were at Hitomi unnie's house?" Minami asked, and hearing that Eunbi became suspicious. "Yesterday yes. But, y'know those missing girls? We found them in this old house, and I wanted you guys to come." Minami shot up and looked at Nanami and gestured her to come closer. Minami whispered: "Is there someone named Kang Hyewon?"

"Uh yes, according to her name tag. She looked tired, what's wrong with her?" "Don't worry we'll come now." Minami located Moe's location seeing that the old house was just near their school.

Minami bowed at Eunbi with a smile. "Me and Nanami need to go, it's an emergency, sorry for it Ms. Kwon." And then Minami and Nanami left.

"Where are they going?" Eunbi mumbled, as she started to stride and follow the girls.

sorry for being inactive my dad confiscated my phone since my glasses are broken and i can't use my phone without it i just borrowed my phone from dad.

but have a good day!

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