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The 5 of them glanced at Yujin, wondering what's with the sudden call.

"What? What is it?" Chaeyeon asked.

"Please tell Chaewon we won't be going to school tomorrow." Yujin pleaded, her hands intertwined.

"No shit Yujin, all of you will go to school tomorrow." Sakura stated, crossing her arms, Yujin rolled her eyes, shoulders dropping.

"No we will! But you guys will only tell her."

"You'll lie." Chaeyeon crossed her arms, glaring at Yujin.

"I mean yes, but just once." Yujin said, looking straight at Chaeyeon with pleading puppy eyes.

"Why the hell tho?" Nako asked, leaning on her chair.

"Secret, we'll have to find out tomorrow." Yujin raised her brows.

"Fine I will, tell me what is it tomorrow." Sakura pulled her phone and texted Chaewon.




Chaewon hugged her pillow, stopping the urge to scream.

She wishes this feeling doesn't disappear, she's so happy having to talk to Hitomi even not personally, Hitomi was something nice that Chaewon didn't wish for, and it was weird at the same time was really nice.

Chaewon closed her eyes.

But then her phone rung.

Wait, isn't Hitomi asleep why-

Chaewon reached for her phone seeing it was from Sakura.

1 New message from Sakura!

Yujin and the others can't come to school tomorrow.

Why tho?

I don't know.

Don't worry if something is wrong,

I'll fix it immediately.


Thanks for letting me know.

Take care Chaewon!

We hope Hitomi's okay.


Yeah, take care too.

"What's with them?" Chaewon mumbled, but then shaking it off

everything will be okay.

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