Chapter 6 - Right or Wrong?

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They were being trained and used as weapons from the time they were given their abilities. Pietro had even mastered the ability to massage Wanda's head using fast vibrations in his hand. He used them for when she was stressed or upset or simply needed calming. Wanda, being the most powerful, was used more often than Pietro. Being sent out to destroy 'enemy bases' every now and then. Was this what they signed up for? Was this what they were meant to be? Did she make the wrong choice?


Pietro's voice brought her out of her thoughts. He was sitting cross-legged next to her on the floor. After they had mastered their gifts, they were allowed to be with each other again. Their room was bigger than their previous cells, but there was only one bed. Wanda didn't mind, the only problem being that Pietro insisted he sleeps on the floor. Most nights she made him lay with her until they both fell asleep, just to ensure he actually sleeps.

"I can practically hear your brain thinking." He said with a smirk.

She looked at him and his smile faded. Her emotions could never really be hidden from him.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

She leaned over to rest her head on his shoulder. He reached up and ran his fingers through her hair.

"Do you think this was a mistake?"

"What was?"

"Doing this, being here?"

"You know," He sighed. " You've always talked about choices. I know you think about it because of what Matka used to tell us, but out of all the choices, I would not have ever seen this coming."

She brought her head up, stood and walked to the other end of the room.

"I'm sorry." She whispered.

She heard him stand up and walk over to her. She closed her eyes for only a moment, and when she opened them, she was in his arms.

"I don't regret anything. Nothing. It was painful and will leave scars, but I did it for my country and for my sister."

She looked down at her wrist. There it was: the mark of a witch. When they found out what they made her, they burned it into her wrist. Wanda didn't really mind the small star looking symbol. It hurt when they burned her, but it was always going to be there to remind her of her mistake. It glowed red with her magic even as she thought about it.

"Sestra, you did not make a mistake. This was meant to happen. If it wasn't, it wouldn't have."

She looked at him and pulled his hand off of her arm, to get a better look at his wrist. His was beautiful, she always thought. There were three swirls that looked like a gust of wind. To symbolize his speed she thought. She liked it.

"You aren't a monster. Neither am I. Please, get that in your beautiful head."

Wanda smiled and looked up at him. She took a moment to look in his head and saw nothing but herself. She felt his love for her.

"Bratr, I promise you, I will get us out of here. We aren't doing any good here. They lied to us."

He looked puzzled. "They what?"

"They're lying Pietro. Just, please trust me."

"When have I not?"

She looked around the room. She knew the back wall was the only thing between them and an open field. "Pietro, stand back."

"Wanda, don't-"

It was too late. She had blasted the wall to pieces. He sighed before he scooped her up and sped out to the woods.

"You realize they'll come after us right?"

"We're the Enhanced. I alone am more powerful than all of Strucker's men. They can't beat us. And when they try, they won't live to see tomorrow."

She felt her eyes burn scarlet as she thought of them on their knees in front of her. It's what they deserved, she knew, but it was yet to happen.

"Have you gone crazy?"

"Possibly. You love me and trust me. And I would never leave your side. We need each other and I am leaving that life behind. Will you come with me Bratr?"

His look softened. "Of course. I wouldn't leave you for the world."

"Then off we go."


Sorry, I really didn't know where I was going with this chapter.

Please please let me know what you think, and if I should even still be publishing this story.
The idea of Pietro massaging Wanda's head isn't my own, I got it from SullyGinnelle's book Agony.

Oh! And some translations for you:

Sestra = Sister

Bratr = Brother

Matka = Mother

I just thought I should add a bit of their native language, since they're from Sokovia, in Eastern Europe.

Talk later,


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