Chapter 29 - Storms

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Wanda was woken up by a bright flash of lightning. She jumped and covered her mouth to muffle her scream. Storms were always hard for her, thunder sounded too much like the bomb that destroyed her apartment. She took a moment to calm herself, before getting up and walking to Pietro's room. He was still sleeping, and he was on the left side of the bed.

Their whole lives, Wanda had slept on the right of wherever they were sleeping, with Pietro on the left. Even after the bombs, they had always slept like that, whether it was on the ground, or in their makeshifts beds while they were on the streets. Even now, Wanda slept on the right side of her bed out of habit. It was reassuring that Pietro did the same thing.

She went and laid next to him, curling up like she always did. The next flash of lightning went off, and she braced herself for the thunder that was sure to follow. Even as she was expecting it she flinched and instinctively reached for her brother's hand. He woke up, startled, sat up and looked around.

"Wanda?" He breathed, blinking.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." She said quietly.

"No, no that's fine" He rubbed his eyes. "What's wrong?" Just then, a flash of lightning lit up the room. They both jumped. He quickly got up, walked over to the window and closed the curtains. He went back to lie down, pulling Wanda down with him. Sleeping without her was hard on normal days, he couldn't imagine what it would be like during a storm. He hadn't expected sleeping without his sister to be as tough as it had been. It annoyed him how he was unable to rest without her presence.

The twins had always had trouble with storms, reminding them too much of the bombings. He ran his thumb over the back of her hand as they lay there, not even bothering to try and sleep.

"Okay, come on" He finally said, getting up and taking her hand, pulling her towards the living room. Bucky was sat on a couch and looked up when the entered.

"Hey," Wanda said quietly, sitting next to him as Pietro went over to the kitchen. "Can't sleep?"

"I'm not sure I want to try" He smiled. "How about you?"

"I don't like storms much," She told him, "So no" Pietro came back and handed her a mug of hot chocolate. He offered his own to Bucky. They all sat there for a while. Not talking, or even thinking. Just sitting. Clint walked in after a while, looking disheveled. They all looked up him.

"Oh," He said surprised. "Hey, guys." They all gave him small smiles and he went to sit beside Pietro, across from Wanda and Bucky.

"Does anyone in this place sleep during storms?" Bucky joked.

"Well, we've all had less than optimal experiences with loud weapons," Clint answered thoughtfully. "So I wouldn't be surprised." They all nodded and went back to just sitting. The twins passed the mug of hot chocolate between them. After a while, Clint got up and walked over to a closet in the corner, pulling out some blankets and pillows. "We should at least try to sleep, yeah?" They all gave hesitant nods. Wanda took a pillow and laid on the floor.

"Wanda, stop. There's enough room on the furniture." Clint told her.

"No, I'm fine down here-"

"Wanda, you take up zero space," Pietro said, picking her up and dumping her back on the couch. Clint and Bucky chuckled. Wanda rolled her eyes as Pietro threw a blanket over her. Bucky was already laying there when she was thrown on and was about to move when she grabbed his leg to keep him there. She curled up on the end of the couch, barely taking up a whole cushion. Bucky looked at her, confused.

"She really does sleep like that," Pietro told him. "So you shouldn't have to move." Pietro sat on the armchair beside Wanda, Clint laying on the couch opposite to them. It wasn't long before they had all fallen asleep.


Hey guys! This one may be a little short, but oh well. I think it kinda sucks, but I don't know what to do to fix it.

Let me know what you think!

Talk later,


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