Chapter 32 - Convincing

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Pietro went into Wanda's room just as she was waking up. She sat up and looked around. She looked down at her tank-top and leggings, remembering the night before. She reached up and took down her braid. That's when Pietro realized she was bleeding through the bandages on her arms. He sighed and got the roll of bandages from the bathroom. When he came out, Wanda was wearing a new pair of black leggings and a black tank-top. She sat back down on the bed and Pietro started to unwind and replace the bandages on her arm. He quickly marked the new bandages with the symbol from his wrist. The whole time she just sat there, staring at the wall.

"How are you feeling?" He asked he was finished. She just shook her head.

"Feel like coming out yet?" She glared at him. "Okay, how about this. The team is downstairs training, k? Sam watched an episode of the drama girls show yesterday. Why don't we go out there and watch it?" She shook her head. "I promise the only person out there is Bucky, and Clint went out and bought more Apple Cinnamon tea yesterday afternoon." She still just glared at him. "Okay come on." He stood and pulled her with him.

She slowly followed behind him, stopping in the doorway to the living room. It was empty except for Bucky, who was sitting on the couch reading. She slowly walked in and went to sit next to him while Pietro went to make some tea. He smiled when she sat down.

"Hey," He set his book down, "How are you feeling?" She shrugged.

"She came out to watch the Kardashians from yesterday," Pietro said, handing her the cup of tea and a bowl of fruit as he sat next to her and looped his arm around her.

"Oh, right. I don't think I've ever met someone as impatient as Sam." He rolled his eyes. She gave a small smile as Pietro turned the TV on. By the time the show was finished, Wanda had eaten half of the fruit. She pushed it along the coffee table to Bucky, who ate a few pieces before pushing across to Pietro, who finished it. Wanda quickly got up and went back to her room. Bucky sighed.

"Well, she came out"

"And she ate" Pietro pointed out.


The team all sat in the living room for lunch, watching the news. They weren't really watching, though, they were just talking amongst themselves until Tony interrupted everyone.

"Uh, guys? Maybe we should start watching this now..." They all turned to the TV, where a picture was being shown. They all froze. On the screen was a picture of Bucky sitting against a tree, with Wanda leaning on him. They had the guitar resting across their laps and Wanda was pointing at the sky, smiling. The headline read 'The Winter Soldier spotted in the city'

"I knew I should have gone after him" Bucky looked down.

"I swear if anyone tells Wanda..." Pietro threatened. They all nodded in agreement. Pietro got up to go see her. He walked in, she hadn't even locked the door. Wanda was sitting on the ground in the corner, knees up to her chest and head down, shoulders shaking. Pietro inhaled sharply at the sight. He closed the door and went over to her. He sat next to her and hugged her. He looked over at the TV. It was paused on the picture of her and Bucky in the park. He sighed.

"Wanda," He said gently, pulling her hands away from her face. "Did you watch the rest of the story?" She shook her head, putting it back down on her knees. He stood up, grabbing her arm. She winced. "Oh, I'm sorry." He said quietly. He had forgotten her arms were hurt. She stood up and followed him to the bed. He sat cross-legged, sitting her in front of him. He pressed play and they watched the rest of the article.

"See?" He whispered once it was finished. "There's nothing saying anyone is afraid of you, or that they should keep an eye out for you, or that they should be careful. They were just pointing out that you were there." She closed her eyes and leaned back on him. "Remember how we were watching the news a few weeks ago, and they were showing that the Selena Gomez girl was in the city?" She nodded. "They didn't say anything else about it. They were just saying she was there. Stupid, if you ask me, but apparently that's what they do in America." She let out a light laugh. They sat there for a while until they heard a knock at the door. Pietro got up and went to open it.

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