Chapter 22 - Smile

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Pietro woke up to Clint knocking on his door. He jumped up.

"Dinner's ready." He told him when he opened the door.

"Thanks." He went to Wanda's room and was surprised to see her still sleeping soundly. He couldn't remember the last time she had slept this long, without being woken up by her dreams.

He sat on the edge of the bed and gently shook her awake. Her eyes flew open and she bolted upright. He quickly sat in front of her so she could see him, and rubbed her arm.

"Hey," He said gently. "Dinner's ready."

"They do that here?" She asked, catching her breath.


She quickly changed and brushed her hair. Pietro took her hand as they walked toward the living room. Wanda stopped when she heard voices. They all ate together?

Pietro stopped and look back at her, sighing. He really didn't want to be frustrated with her. She was just afraid and she couldn't help that. He walked back to her and put his hand on her back, gently pushing her toward the living room again.

Natasha, Steve, Sam, and Clint were all sitting on the couches, watching TV. Clint quickly got up when he saw them, not wanting the others to say anything to Wanda.

"Hey, there's some pasta in the pot there, sauce is in the fridge."

"Thank you." Pietro took out two plates from the cupboard Clint had pointed out while he turned to Wanda.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm alright."


"Not really."

"Do you ever eat?" She giggled.

"Of course I eat, just not very much."

"Why?" He said confused.

"Well, we were never really given much to eat. We didn't have a lot of money growing up, Pietro stole while we were on the streets, and HYDRA only gave us enough to keep us from starving."

"Oh," He immediately regretted asking. He should've known. "I'm-"

"Please don't be sorry." She pleaded, "I don't want anyone to be sorry anymore." He nodded as Pietro set a plate of pasta in front of her. "Why don't you guys come sit with us?"

"Thank you," Pietro said as Wanda stiffened beside him. "Come on, I'm right here." He whispered to her as they went over to the couch. Wanda slowly sat down in between Clint and Pietro. They all stared at the TV. Pietro let out a huff of annoyance when he saw Wanda wasn't eating.

Please eat

I'm not really hungry, Pietro

When was the last time you ate?

A few days ago...

Please, Wanda, you need to eat

Wanda sighed and ate a bit of the pasta. She watched the TV in confusion. She didn't understand why these girls were acting so strange. When the show ended, Steve and Natasha got up to go train. Wanda was frowning at the black screen in front of her.

"Why were they acting so dramatic?" As soon as she finished, her hand flew up to her mouth and her eyes were wide in fear. Pietro put an arm around her shoulders as Clint chuckled. Sam smiled.

"That's how they get all their money. See, the Kardashians are extremely rich. Like, not Stark rich but rich." He explained, "The drama is what makes the show so interesting."

"Sam has got me hooked" Clint said annoyed.

"Not my fault you know a good show when you see one." They all laughed. Wanda spent a few seconds looking around before she found a shadow in a corner by the hallway. She got up and crept over to it, without anyone noticing. Pietro looked up and frowned at the corner, knowing full well she was there. She ran silently down the hallway to her room.

"Well that lasted long" Clint said sarcastically when he noticed Wanda had left.

"In her defense, she ate a bit," Pietro said though it was hard to defend her at times like these. They waited a while, Pietro talked to Sam about Sokovia, who seemed to find the economy interesting. Clint got up and went to Wanda's room.

"Oh, hi," She said when she answered the door.

"Can I come in?"

"Sure" Clint walked in and followed to her bed, where she had been sitting before. He noticed she was sitting next to a guitar.

"Do you play?" He said, gesturing to it.

"Well, I used to watch my mother play." She said shyly.

"Wanna play for me?" She thought for a moment, before smiling and setting the guitar on her lap. She plucked at the strings one by one, occasionally strumming. After a while, she started singing quietly in Sokovian, as well. She looked so happy as she played the beautiful melody. She looked at Clint when she was finished, a smile on her face. A genuine, authentic smile.

"That was beautiful," He told her, "You have a wonderful voice."

"Pietro always says that, but I guess he has too." She giggled.

"Well, he's telling the truth." He assured her. "How many songs do you know?"

"Well I know two, but can only really play that one."

"How about we get you someone to teach you more songs?" She shook her head.

"Okay, what if we got you a computer, with a program on it, to teach you some more songs?" He tried again.

"You can do that?" She asked, eyes wide.

"I can do that," He chuckled, "I'll get Stark to get one as soon as possible."

"Oh no, that's okay,"

"I promise he won't have a problem with it."

"Okay," She said uncertainly as Clint got up to leave, "Thank you," She said smiling.

"Of course."

When Clint got back to the living room, Steve and Natasha were back, and Tony had joined them. He went back to his spot by Pietro.

"How is she?" Pietro asked, concerned.

"You know, a smile really suits her." He said, grinning,

"What did you do?" Natasha said accusingly.

"She really likes to play the guitar," He told them.

"Huh, I just had that put in for decoration," Tony admitted, making everyone laugh.

"Your sister has a beautiful voice." He told Pietro.

"She does, just like our mother." He smiled, "She played for you?"

"She did, and it was beautiful." He said, smiling too, "Hey Stark, do you think you could get a computer or something, with a program on it to teach her more songs?"

"Do you know who I am? Of course, I can," He said smirking, "She would like that?"

"She would love that," Pietro said, smiling. "Thank you."

"Of course." Pietro turned to Clint

"And thank you for making her smile,"

"Hey, I didn't. The guitar did." They all laughed.

Kytara dělal... (The guitar did)


Hey Guys! This one was kinda fun, not gonna lie, but I keep accidentally writing from Clint's point of view lol. Let me know if that would be okay, or if you just want it to stay with the Twins.

Let me know what you think!

Talk later,


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