Chapter 33 - Change of Scenery

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Pietro got up from where he was sitting in the living room to bring Wanda some tea. She was sitting on the floor again, with her guitar on her lap.

"Hey," He said, handing her the cup and sitting behind her on the bed. "Clint wants to talk to you."

"What? Why?" She asked quickly.

"Guess you'll have to come and find out" She looked absolutely terrified. "I promise it's nothing bad" He chuckled. They walked out to the living room finding Clint sitting on a couch. He had told everyone else to leave before he sent Pietro to get her.

"Hey, kid," He said as she sat beside him. "How're ya doing?" She shrugged.

"Listen, I was thinking," He said slowly, "Why don't you two come down to the farm for the weekend?" Wanda just stared at him.

"He lives on a farm," Pietro told her, "And he's going home for the weekend. He wants us to go meet his family."

"Oh, I don't think-"

"Great! We leave tomorrow morning." Clint exclaimed, getting up to go for his evening run. Wanda looked at Pietro, absolutely perplexed. Pietro chuckled, sitting beside her.

"Do you mind explaining what just happened?" Pietro laughed at her confused expression.

"Clint and his wife live on a farm, with three kids. He wants us to go with him this weekend to meet them. Have a little change of scenery for a while"

"Well, I don't know-"

"Wanda, have some faith. I told you, you'll be fine."

"I'll be fine..."


The next morning, Pietro was sitting at the bar, waiting for the toaster to pop. He was planning on making Wanda eat before they left in an hour. Sam walked in and noticed how tired the boy looked. He smirked and grabbed his shoulders as he walked by, cause Pietro to fall off the stool. Sam doubled over in laughter and walked away leaving Pietro grumbling on the ground.

Wanda was awake when Pietro knocked on her door. He stared when he saw Wanda brushing her hair in the bathroom, wearing a blue dress. "Wanda?" She jumped and turned. "Why with the blue?" She looked down, confused. She slapped herself on the forehead when she saw what she was wearing.

"Did you not know you were wearing blue?" Pietro laughed from the doorway. She quickly changed into a black one.

"I woke up and threw on a dress." She explained. She followed him out to the kitchen, and he pushed a single piece of toast at her.


I'm only making you tea when you eat

I can make it myself

When you're finished eating

She sighed and ate. Pietro got up and started the kettle. Clint came in and sat next to Wanda smirking.

"I told you she'd eat it all if you only made her one." He joked. Pietro rolled his eyes.

"She just wants tea." He said, sliding the cup across the counter to her.

"Question," Clint said turning to face the living room, "Why is Sam giggling like a fool?"

"I was half asleep at the counter and he thought it would be fun to scare me off the stool." Wanda giggled and Clint chuckled.

"Come on kid, let's get going." The twins went to get some clothes for the weekend. Wanda - not really wanting to carry a backpack - grabbed some clothes and went to put them in Pietro's. They went out to meet Clint in the living room.

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