Chapter 18 - Together

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They all helped get the civilians onto the boats. Stark called a friend in a similar suit to help the rest, while the Avengers and the twins ran to the church, to protect the key. If any of the robots touched it, the city would fall. Pietro ran to his sister.

"You good?"


Thor went to the front of the church and bellowed, "Is that the best you can do?"

Ultron raised an arm, and hundreds of robots crowded around him. Wanda and Pietro looked up in astonishment.

"You had to ask." The Captain said, annoyed.

"This is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted. All of you, against all of me. How could you possibly hope to stop me?" Ultron said.

So dramatic...

"Well, like the old man said: Together." Stark told him.

The Hulk roared and the robots charged forward. They all stood in a circle around the key, destroying robots when they came too close. Pietro ran in circles as Wanda shot hexes out in front of her.

Stark, Thor, and the Vision blasted Ultron until his face was melted.

"Ya know, with the benefit of hindsight-" The Hulk threw Ultron, and quickly went after the rest of the robots. They all tried to flee from the city. Stark's friend and the Vision flew around destroying them before they could leave. The rest of the team stood in the now empty church.

"We gotta move. Even I can tell the air's getting thin. You guys get to the boats, I'll sweep the stragglers." The Captain instructed.

"What about the core?" Clint pointed out.

"I'll protect it." Wanda blurted before she could change her mind. "It's my job."

The team split up, doing their assigned task. Pietro ran into the church, destroying a robot as he stopped.

"Get the people on the boats." Wanda instructed.

"I'm not going to leave you here."

"I can handle this." She stated as she blasted a nearby robot. Pietro sighed angrily.

"You know, I'm twelve minutes older than you." He joked. Wanda laughed.

"Go." He turned away but stopped.

"I'm proud of you, Wanda." She nodded as he ran toward the boats.

Clint was lifting a boy out from beneath some rubble when a jet flew by. Ultron had it and was firing down at them. Clint turned around to protect the boy, waiting for the impact of the bullets. But it never came. He looked up in confusion.

Pietro was standing next to him, a dozen bullet holes covering his body.

"You didn't see that coming" He said shakily before falling to the ground.


Hey guys! Sorry, this is a bit short, ( and it reaaallllyyy sucks) but I need to stop due to the fact that I am now crying.😅 It was pretty hard to write out the battle cause there is so much happening at once, and not a lot of it was the Maximoffs.

I'll continue on later...

Let me know what you think!

Talk later,


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