Chapter 41 - I'll be Home Soon

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"What about Wanda?" Pietro was pacing around the living room. The Captain had come in a few minutes ago, asking him to go on a solo mission.

"Clint can take care of her. You know I wouldn't make you leave her in this state if anyone else could do it."

"Can you not, like, postpone this?"

"You'll only be gone a couple of days."

"And when she wakes up screaming?"

"Clint and Bucky can handle it, she trusts them." Wanda came slowly walking down the hallway. She frowned when she saw Pietro pacing, a blue streak blurring around him as he lost control.

"Pietro," She called, worried. He stopped immediately, face softening when he saw her. "What's wrong?"

"Hey," He walked over to her, "How are you feeling?"

"You didn't answer the question."

"I think you two need to talk" Steve left for the training room.

"Come," Pietro helped her over to a couch and sat beside her.

"What's wrong?" He sighed. He really didn't want to tell her, but he couldn't just leave. That would upset her even more.

"I have to go on a mission tomorrow" He blurted. She looked puzzled.


"But I'll be gone for a few days." Her face fell. He traced circles on her hand, trying to reassure her. "Clint and Bucky are you going to stay here with you, okay? I'll be fine."

"You know, you saying that you'll be fine doesn't stop me from worrying."

"I know, but I have to try."

"You don't want to go. Why?"

"I don't want to leave you here."

"Clint and Bucky will be here. I'll be okay. You need to focus on you being okay"

"I'm really sorry," He said quietly.

"It's okay. It's only a few days." She smiled at him. Oh, how he hated that smile.

"You're not okay. You don't have to act like you are" She looked down.

"I've been by myself before, it can't be that different."

"Yeah, you were alone before. And during that time, you didn't eat or sleep" He pointed out, "Wanda, I really need you to take of yourself, okay?"

"You know I can't" She whispered.

"You can"

"What if I get stuck?" He sighed. That's what he's most afraid of.

"You won't, you haven't in days."

"Then I'm due, don't you think?"

"I'll be here tonight, and I'm sure you trust Clint and Bucky enough to help you."

"You really think they can bring me back?" She looked up at him.

"I'm sure they can" He put an arm around her and kissed her forehead.


"You'll be gone when I wake up, won't you?" Wanda sat crosslegged on her bed, guitar resting on her lap.

"Yes," Pietro said gently from his seat at the desk. "I'm sorry, I really wish I didn't have to go."

"Do you have the case file?"


"Can I see it?"

"No" She looked up at him. "I don't need you to worry more."

"I think I'll feel better if I know where you're going"

"I don't think you will"

"Pietro, you know I can read minds, right?" He sighed dramatically and threw the folder on the bed next to her. She opened the folder and started reading through the papers. Pietro rested his elbows on his knees and watched her, afraid of what she might say. But she didn't say anything.

"Okay," She handed him the file and he just looked at her, baffled.


"Okay." She reached up and took down her ponytail.


"I'm the one who wanted to see it" She reminded him, standing to put the guitar on its stand. He sighed.

"I did warn you."

"Please be careful" She pleaded, quietly.

"I will." He helped her back over to the bed. "Please get some rest"

"I'd rather stay up with you"

"I know, but you need to sleep. I know you won't sleep while I'm gone. At least sleep now. Please." She sighed and laid down. "I'll stay with you until I have to leave." He whispered, laying next to her.

"Please be safe" She whispered back. She wrapped her arms around him.

"Aren't I always?" She laughed lightly and he hugged her back. "I'll be home soon."

Být brzy doma... (Be home soon...)


Hey guys! Sorry, it's been a while (well not really) But I wanted to do a few chapters on my other story (A Stab at Normal, go check it out!).

Let me know what you think!

Talk later,


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