Chapter 40 - Recovering

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Over the next few days, Wanda was recovering quickly. She was able to move around a bit and even speak without wincing. She was still in quite a bit of pain, but still refused to let the doctors give her the morphine. Much to Pietro's annoyance.

Dr. Cho believed that if she kept healing at this rate, she would be able to leave in a week. She definitely wouldn't be fully healed by then, but she would be able to walk and so she could go out and live like she normally would, just resting more.

"Hey," Clint came in carrying a plate of chicken. "Just think, in a week you can be eating with us" He handed it to Pietro, who was sitting in the plastic chair. Wanda smiled. Pietro knew it was still fake, but to everyone else it was genuine.

"I wasn't eating out there before" She pointed out. Clint and Pietro laughed.

"I suppose you're right"


Wanda walked slowly down the hallway to the living room with Pietro at her side. He refused to leave her now that she could move around, for fear she would fall and hurt herself more. She found the living room empty when she finally got there: the team was on a mission. Wanda had tried to convince Pietro to go, but even with Clint staying back he didn't want to leave her.

By the time she made it to the couch, Pietro had already made some tea and cut up some fruit. She thought he was cheating, using his speed. Clint smirked beside her.

"Well, no one watched the Kardashians without you, but I'm assuming you'll be in bed early tonight, so we could watch the next one without them?" He proposed.

"Sure, but are you sure Sam wouldn't mind?"

"Meh" About halfway through the episode, the team came in, sweaty and dirty. They all smiled when they saw Wanda on the couch with Clint and Pietro.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Natasha sat across from them.

"Better, but-"

"Excuse me," Sam put up a hand to stop her, "What is it you're watching, young lady?" Everyone laughed.

"You can watch it later when she goes to bed," Clint said sternly, "Besides, you all look like you could use a shower and maybe even a trip to the medical ward" Steve chuckled.

"He's right" Tony grabbed Sam by the collar and shoved him in the direction of the living quarters. They all left to clean themselves up. Clint and Pietro finished the episode, but Wanda had fallen asleep on Clint shortly after the rest of the team left. Pietro didn't want to wake her, but he was afraid that if he picked her up, he would hurt her.

He gently rubbed her arm until she groaned and sat up. "Come on" He helped her up and they started toward her room. He laid her on the bed and put a blanket over her. "Call me if you need me, okay?" He whispered. She just nodded, still half asleep. He kissed her forehead and turned off the lights before leaving.

"How is she?" Clint asked when Pietro got back to the living room.

"She's definitely been better," He told him, rinsing Wanda's mug. "She'll be back to normal soon"

"As normal as she was before" Clint smirked and Pietro chuckled.

"Very true, Old Man, very true"

Zpět k normálu... (Back to normal...)


Hey guys! Okay, this one is like, crazy short and crazy bad. I apologize. I really didn't know what to do after the last chapter. So I suppose this is just a transition chapter so there isn't too big of a time jump.

Let me know what you think!

Talk later,


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