Chapter 9 - Welcome Back

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When Pietro woke up that morning, Wanda had already grabbed everything she needed. She was wearing the new dress from the night before, so it was much less dirty. When they got up, they started walking to where they knew their old HYDRA base to be. Wanda was becoming more and more nervous the closer they got. She was messing with her hands playing with her hair. Pietro noticed, but he felt just as nervous himself, so he couldn't really say anything. What were they going to say when they showed up at their doorstep a year later? When he noticed Wanda digging her nails into her palm, however, he decided that was enough.

"Wanda, are you sure about this? You look like a wreck."

"Gee, thanks" Despite her joking manner, her voice cracked. He finally stopped walking and grabbed her shoulder to stop her too.

"Sestra, please don't feel like you have to do this. You look terrified."

"I am terrified. But I want Stark and HYDRA will bring him to us. I just...have to calm down."

He grabbed her hand and showed her the little half-moon marks on her palm.

"This is not calming down." She sighed before taking a deep breath.

"Right. I'll...just keep walking, Pietro." He huffed in annoyance before trailing after her.


They stood outside the door, frozen. Pietro looked to his sister, who was breathing heavily. He took her hand and led her under a tree across from the door. She needed to calm down before they went in. They sat down under the tree and Pietro started rubbing her back.

"Zhluboka se nadechnout. (Take a deep breath)" She leaned against him and breathed deeply. Pietro hummed an old Sokovian hymn their mother used to sing to them.

After a while, she seemed alright. Nervous, but alright. They stood up and walked back over to the door. Pietro reached over and gave her arm a squeeze before pounding on the door. His breath hitched as the big door swung open. He was pretty sure Wanda stopped breathing. He greeted the guard with a scowl.

"How kind of you to drop by." The guard snarled. "I'll take you bastards to the Baron."

Wanda's eyes flared red, but the guard didn't notice. They followed him through the familiar corridors, memories flooding back to them. Wanda closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Pietro reached out and brushed his knuckles against her arm, her muscles visibly relaxing at his touch.

"Good luck, traitors." Wanda's eyes flared again, causing the guard to hurry off. The twins made eye contact and stepped into his office with dark expressions.

"Ah, my masterpieces..." Wanda breathed out in annoyance, clearly, she was restraining herself from just ending him right there and then. "What are you two doing back here?"

"Stark." Wanda said darkly, her eyes glowing again. That was already three times today, and it hasn't happened since they left. This place seemed to bring it out of her.

"How lovely, you wish to come back to us. I am quite disappointed in your past decisions, but, will not turn down some extra help. We have just gotten word from the guards at the border that the Avengers are, in fact, on their way." Pietro stood straighter. "You may have your old room back and will attend the training sessions just as before. But be warned, no one will be as forgiving as before. Be lucky I am even taking you back in. You aren't liked here, anymore. As you may recall, you were the stars. My prized possessions. You are still my greatest achievements. However, I will no longer stop anyone from being hard on you. You know where your room is, training starts tomorrow."


Hey guys! Sorry, it took a while, I decided that if I wasn't writing for anyone else anymore, I'll just write for myself :)

Thank you so much for reading it really is appreciated!

If you see any grammar mistakes, feel free to point them out!

Also, if you were wondering, (I know you weren't, but each book does it differently) The language I am using for Sokovian is actually Czech.

If you like this book you might also like my book I just started for Avengers one-shots, as well!

Let me know what you think, and

Talk later,


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