Chapter 7 - Back on the Streets

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Sometimes Pietro wonders what goes on in her head. At least with HYDRA, they had food and shelter. Why would she even think of leaving in the first place?

It had been a year since they left, and no one's come looking for them. Or at least they weren't looking in the right places since they've never seen them. They were living in an alleyway, with a small one-person tent in the middle. Pietro had been running out every night to steal things like food, clothes and some blankets for Wanda, she was always cold. Sometimes he would run out and swipe some rings for her, or the black makeup she always wore. She wore the same things every day, no matter how many much he brought back for her. A worn black dress and a beaten red jacket. She wore their mother's necklace around her neck and every single one of the rings Pietro had ever brought her. Her fingers were covered in them. Although, It's not like he wore different things every day. He liked to keep his black jacket and sweats. It's not that he doesn't have anything else, it's just that he likes them the best.

He looked over at his sister. She was sitting outside on the sidewalk, watching the cars drive by. She seemed to always look so sad, and there was nothing he could do to fix that.


He walked over to her, sat beside her and gently took her hand.

"I'm sorry."

He sighed. What else could she possibly be sorry for? He could swear she said that ten times a day.

"For what?"

"Making you leave HYDRA." She looked down, and he saw tears forming in her eyes.

"Wanda, you didn't make me do anything-"

"You wouldn't have left if I didn't." How could he convince her otherwise? It's true he wouldn't have, but that doesn't mean it's her fault.

"Wanda, please don't be sorry. I did it for you."

"Exactly. I made you leave the only place we had."

"They hurt us, Wanda. They hurt you "

"But, they stopped. They let us stay together, they gave us food. Oh, look what I've done..."

"Wanda, please. You haven't done anything wrong."

She suddenly looked up. Her eyes wide with realization. Uh oh...

"We should go back."

"What?" Didn't see that coming.

"We should go back."

"If they were hard on us before, what do you think they'll do now? We left and you think that if we go back they'll just be all happy to see us?"


"Just...wait a while. Think about it some more, okay? You should get some sleep."
She looked thoughtful for a moment, then sighed and followed him back to the tent. He saw her shiver and put a thin blanket over her.

Always cold, this girl.

"I love you," He whispered. "I will do whatever you do, whatever you think is right."

She nodded and held his hand tightly, only loosening when she drifted off to sleep.


Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while. I was really on the fence about whether or not I should keep writing it, as lots of people really don't like it. I'm actually taking Advanced English 9 in school and they are only now covering short stories. After learning about the different point of views, I realize just how stupid all of this sounds. I will be rewriting it in Third Person Limited as opposed to First Person. I'll be fixing it chapter by chapter. So, it'll all sound kind of whack for a while, until I fix all 7. I obviously won't be adding to the story until everything else is fixed.

Please let me know what you think and as always:

Talk later,


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