Chapter 35 - Strange Dreams

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Pietro had set Wanda on the cot in the living room and gone for a run. The sun was just coming up above the line of trees. He adored all the free space out here. He could run until he could barely stand, just as he used to at HYDRA. The difference here was, he wanted to do it. There was even more space out here than there was in the training grounds, and he loved it.

By the time the sun had fully risen, he had run around the property about 8 times, he lost count. He went inside to find the family all sitting around the table eating. Clint was leaning on the counter, waiting for the coffee maker to finish. He nodded to Pietro as he walked down the hall for a shower.

When he came back out to the kitchen, Laura and the kids had already left. Clint was sitting in front of a laptop at the table, and Wanda was still asleep on the cot in the corner.

"Laura went to take the kids to a friend's house in the city," Clint said as Pietro put some bread in the toaster. He nodded. "I'm taking Cooper fishing later this afternoon, wanna come?" Pietro thought for a moment.

While they were on the streets, they had watched people walk down to the river to fish, but it had annoyed him at the time. Wanda loved to sit by the water, but people were afraid of her, so she could never just sit there without people staring at her. So, she never went. Pietro had gotten used to scowling as he watched families walk down since it meant his sister couldn't go down there.

"Where do you go?" He asked.

"There's a lake just through the trees behind the house."

"Does anyone else go there?" Clint turned to look at him, confused.

"No, why?"

"Well, Wanda likes to sit by the water."

"So...she can come down and sit by the water. What's the problem?"

"People are afraid of her. In Sokovia, there was a river that she liked to sit by, but there were always people sitting there and fishing. So, she could never go." Clint nodded.

"Not here. She could sit there all day if she wanted" Clint told him. Pietro smiled as he sat down at the table with his toast.

They sat in silence until they heard Wanda whimper from the corner. Pietro slowly stood up, walking over to her. She was still asleep, but her face was pained. He sat beside her, waiting for her to wake up on her own. He didn't have to wait long before she sprung up, hands flying up to her face.

"Wanda," He said quietly, "Hey. You're okay. We're at Clint's house, remember?" He took her hands away from her face, only to find they were bleeding. He frowned. She was looking down at them with tears in her eyes. Pietro looked around, trying to find any evidence that she had used her powers. Everything was fine.

Clint came in, eyes widening when he saw her hands. "Hold on, I've got some bandages" He ran into the kitchen and came out holding a facecloth and a roll of bandages. Pietro took them and started cleaning her hand as Clint sat beside her. "What did she cut them on? I can sand it down-"

"No, Clint, she didn't cut them. It happens sometimes when she uses too much magic." Pietro explained, moving on to her other hand, "Like when we were taking down that HYDRA base, or when she lost control outside. I assume it's just the magic ripping the skin when it comes out, but I doubt even the HYDRA specialists know." He finished both her hands and sat on her other side, putting an arm around her. She had her head down and was staring at her hands. Clint got up to make some tea.

"Wanda," He said gently, "Do you know what happened?" She nodded, then shook her head. "Is that a yes or a no?" He smirked. She shrugged.

"I don't remember, but you said you wouldn't let them hurt me," She told him quietly.

"That's right. Who's hurting you?" She shrugged.

"They were hurting me, and you killed them," She said quietly. Pietro frowned.

"Wanda, do you remember your dream?" She nodded and shook her head again.

"But they were hurting me." She stated, "And then you were gone"

"That's all you remember?" She nodded, still looking confused. Clint came in and handed her the mug of tea. She reached for it, but stopped when she saw her hands. Pietro sighed. She must not have been fully here when he wrapped them.

"Do you have a marker?" He asked Clint. He nodded, set the cup on the coffee table and went to find a marker. Pietro put his hands on hers.

"Wanda, you're okay." She looked up at him and nodded. Clint came back and Pietro marked the bandages before handing Wanda the tea.

"You okay, kid?" Clint sat on the couch beside the cot. She shrugged. "Me and Cooper are going fishing this afternoon, wanna come?" He asked, trying to get off the topic of her dream. She thought for a minute. "There isn't anyone else there." She smiled.

"I'd love to come."

Tam není nikdo jiný... (There isn't anyone else there)


Hey guys! I think this one is even shorter than the last one lol. Oops again.

Let me know what you think!

Talk later,


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