Chapter 16 - Suit Up

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Captain America took them to the Avengers Tower, where Stark was working with the Cradle. They walked in behind the Captain, Wanda holding her brother's arm.

"I'm going to say this once."

"How about none-ce?"

"Shut it down." He ordered.


"You don't know what you're doing."

"And you do?" Bruce cut in, "She's not in your head?" He pointed at Wanda, who came out from behind the Captain.

"I know you're angry-"

"Oh no, we're way past that. I could chuck the life out of you without having to change a shade."

Pietro grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to him, away from Bruce.

"Banner, after everything we've been through-"

"That's nothing compared to what's coming!"

"This isn't a game! The creature in there is-"

Pietro rolled his eyes and sped around the room ripping out cords and cables. Everyone stared at him.

"No no, go on. You were saying?" A bullet came through the glass he was standing on, and he fell through the floor.

"Pietro!" Wanda went to help him, but Bruce put her in a chokehold.

"Go ahead, piss me off." He challenged.

She threw magic through her body and into his. She spun around and sent another hex in his direction. Suddenly, the god flew through the ceiling and started shooting lightning at the cradle.


The top flew off and out came a red, synthetic man. He flung himself at the god and stopped just before he crashed out of the tower window. When he came back, he apologized.

"I'm sorry, that was...odd. Thank you."

Pietro ran in behind her and rubbed her arm, easing her tension.

Everyone started explaining themselves. But then one thing didn't make sense to Wanda.

"But I looked in your head, and saw annihilation."

"Look again."

"Her seal of approval means jack to me." The archer, Clint, came in.

"Their powers, the horrors in our heads, Ultron himself, they all came from the Mind Stone. And they're nothing compared to what it can unleash. But with it on our side-"

"Is it? Are you?" The Captain questioned.

"I don't think it's that simple. I am on the side of life. Ultron isn't. So he must be destroyed."

"He's in Sokovia. Waiting for Tony."

"We have to act now. There may be no way for me to make you trust me, but we need to go." The Vision concluded, handing the god, Thor, his hammer. Everyone froze. The Maximoffs had read about the hammer, no one could hold it unless it was worthy. This seemed to shock everyone. Thor took the hammer. "Right, then."

"3 minutes. Get what you need." The Captain announced.

The twins walked down a hallway they called "The Equipment Ward" Everyone split off to get weapons and gadgets of all sorts. Piero grabbed a pair of runners and a Dry-Fit shirt, with long sleeves to cover the scars on his wrists. Wanda stood there in the hallway. Just starring off, clearly thinking about who knows what. Pietro found a red leather jacket in the closet and tossed it at her. She turned and caught it.

"Put it on." She sighed and threw the jacket over her dress.

"Hey," He walked up to her. "We're fixing this. Just like I said we would."

"Pietro you can fight. You have been all your life. But I...I hide. I stay in the shadows. I cannot fight."

"You can. You want too. You're just afraid." She nodded. "You have chaos magic at your fingertips. These are robots. Easy." She sighed.

"Easy for you. I'm willing to bet the Avengers aren't going to appreciate me hiding behind you."

"You don't have too. This is the perfect opportunity to get out of your comfort zone. You don't need to hide behind me. Hide behind you." She took a deep breath and nodded.

"Well, what if you get hurt? I won't be there."

"I'll be careful. We won't be that far apart. We'll be fine." She sighed and let him wrap his arms around her.

"Miluji tě (I love you)"

"Miluji tě víc. (I love you more)"

"Nejvíce tě miluju. (I love you most)" She giggled.

"I doubt it, but I don't feel like arguing." He said, kissing her head. "Let's go."

Budeme bojovat...


Hey guys! As you may have noticed I made a lot of the lines shorter or cut them out completely cause honestly, my fingers are cramping.😂

It was mentioned earlier, but if you forgot, budeme bojovat means "we will fight".

This is where things get real difficult...the Battle of Sokovia. Bare with on this k? You all know what's coming...😬

Let me know what you think!

Talk later,


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